How does competition affect people’s lives?

Dada Bhagwan
Dada Bhagwan Foundation
3 min readMar 31, 2022


Where there’s humanity, the business is bound to prosper, and the competitive spirit in such a case is healthy and one with a positive influence on the society.

People often are found saying that in today’s time period, it is very difficult to remain ethical and honest and yet earn money. But this is not a fact.

We, as individuals, have a choice of how we wish to conduct ourselves in matters of business competition and earning money. To decide between what is right and what is wrong is our prerogative and our responsibility too.

The true facts about business and money:

  • Earning money is never from the use of the intellect nor is it the fruits of hard labour. It is the reward of one’s merit karmas from one’s past life.
  • But one must make a positive effort in business this too without hurting any living being through their mind, speech, or body.
  • Money cannot be earned, through lying, cheating, stealing, or hurting others. Where there is integrity and honesty continuously from within, money will be abundant. Stealing, lying, cheating, or hurting others are all an obstacle to wealth. Deception and money are enemies.
  • Be sincere to your values and honourable goals regardless of whatever is going on around you.



Dada Bhagwan
Dada Bhagwan Foundation

Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan is a Gnani Purush and the founder of Akram Vignan, who is not only Self-Realized, but also has the spiritual power to enlighten others.