Is there a way to end the cycle of rebirth and attain Nirvana?

Dada Bhagwan
Dada Bhagwan Foundation
3 min readJul 8, 2024


Yes, there is a way to end the perpetual cycle of rebirth!

And for that, we must first attain Self-realisation. This is the first stage of liberation on the path of freedom from the perpetual cycle of rebirth, where one experiences freedom from all kinds of suffering that manifests in their day-to-day life. That happens in this very life, upon attaining Self-realisation. Consequently, one stops binding new karma that perpetuates the cycle of rebirth.

Thereafter, the second stage of liberation is achieved after one has finished all their karmas. When all the karma sheds off, the Soul is Absolute, without any coverings whatsoever. This is when one attains the final death, after which there is no rebirth. Such final death after which there is no rebirth ever is called Nirvana. This is defined as the ultimate liberation as it brings an end to the cycle of rebirth.

Attain Self-Realisation

We are all a pure Soul. But due to ignorance of this real Self of ours, we keep wandering in the four different life forms.

The four major life forms are:

  1. Celestial,
  2. Human,



Dada Bhagwan
Dada Bhagwan Foundation

Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan is a Gnani Purush and the founder of Akram Vignan, who is not only Self-Realized, but also has the spiritual power to enlighten others.