Who is responsible for your karma your body mind or soul?

Dada Bhagwan
Dada Bhagwan Foundation
4 min readNov 4, 2022


The law of karma states that:
‘If you plant a cactus, you cannot expect it to bear mangoes. You get the fruit of the tree you plant.’ But who plants the tree?

Who is responsible for your karma — your mind, your body or your Soul?
Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan says, “The existence of bondage lies entirely on you, you are responsible for it. Everything is your own projection. You are responsible even for the formation of your body, your speech and your mind. Everything you encounter in life is your own design; nobody else is responsible for it. For endless lives, you have been responsible, “wholly and solely.”

Who is this ‘you’?
It is the one who believes, “I am this body and this is my mind.”
You are the pure Soul and yet you claim that you are this body or the name assigned to you. Claiming to be something that you are not, is called the ego.

Is your Soul responsible for your karma?

Karma and Soul, both exist since time immemorial. Your karma arises based on your inner intent. And the intent arises based on the karma. This goes on and on. And the Soul is absolutely not involved in any of this. The Soul is free and independent at all times. It just remains the knower and seer of everything.

Is your mind responsible for your karma?

Your mind is a result of your past karma. Based on your karma, you have a good or bad mind. One has an open mind because in his past life, he has charged such merit karma. And owing to one’s demerit karma bound in his past life, he may have a negative or narrow mind that creates problems in his life. Therefore, your mind cannot be held responsible for your karma.

Is it your body that is responsible for your karma?
Again, the body itself is the result of our karma. Diseases in body too are the result of our past karmas. When one suffers from disease, it is the effect of bad karma that one has done in past life. Therefore, body too cannot be responsible for your karma.
The Holy Gita says that the egoism arises first, and then comes the body.

What is this egoism?

Claiming doership of any action is called egoism. Actually everything just happens in this world. Therefore, to support any act with the belief ‘I am the doer of that act’ results in binding of karma. Thus, egoism binds karma.

Once you become the doer, there is a karmic bondage. Egoism is the cause and these mind, speech and body are the effects (results) of karma. Egoism is a cause that you have created. Causes and effect, effect and causes. Only when this link is broken down, liberation can occur. To break the link, which of the two needs to be removed?
The causes need to be removed as effect can’t be changed by anyone.

To remove the causes, the experience of ‘I am not the doer, it happens!’ should arise in one. We do not benefit much by knowing this only in theory. The egoism may become a little weak by using theoretical knowledge, but it will not vacate its seat. And unless the egoism leaves its seat, the causes will not stop.

How can you get rid of the egoism?
Once we know our own Self, egoism goes away. ‘Who am I?’ Is the only knowledge worth knowing?

However, our life is built on egoism. Causes is the very business of egoism. In such a situation, you cannot get rid of your egoism, yourself. Only one who is rid of egoism can help. Therefore, you will have to tell to Living Gnani, the Enlightened One, ‘Please get rid of my egoism’, and He will remove it’!!!

In two hours, in just two hours, Akram Gnani can get rid of our egoism. The Akram path is the stepless path to salvation, discovered especially for today’s times (Kalyug). Herein, Gnani makes us experience that, “I am Pure Soul”.

The Self is nothing but the Pure Soul. Where there is egoism, there is no Self there, and where there is Self, there is no egoism there; there is no doership either. When Gnani graces us with the knowledge of Self, He removes the very basis of doership and the charging of karma stops. No new karma will bind now. And while the old karmas will continue to discharge, the principles taught by Gnani will not let the karmic affects affect you as much. It will keep you aware that the suffering is in body and not in Soul, there is no suffering to the Self, and thus help finish your karmas. And when all the old karmas get discharged and are completely exhausted, you attain final liberation.

Only if the Enlightened person is there, can one become free. Therefore, it is important that we go to Living Gnani and spend good time in His presence so that we become free from our responsibility for all our karmas!!



Dada Bhagwan
Dada Bhagwan Foundation

Param Pujya Dada Bhagwan is a Gnani Purush and the founder of Akram Vignan, who is not only Self-Realized, but also has the spiritual power to enlighten others.