About the blog

About the Blog

Gil Santanna
Daddy Data Scientist
1 min readJan 20, 2021


I write this definition while I restart my exercises and projects in Python. My biggest goal is to one day share here my super cool resolution from Kagle, DataSus and other datasets.

Meanwhile, what you'll find here are some Statistics studies (yes, I'm a mathematician but it's always good to review it), Python resolutions, DataViz tests, task and time management and a bit of everything I'm hearing about in this Data Science world. My study plan is divided in 3 main axis:

  • Python. A lot, A LOT of Python. Not only focused on Data Science. All Python. It's the basis.
  • Statistics. Inferential and Descriptive. Regression Models and etc. All in a basic and understandable language.
  • DataViz. Things that I've been learning through the dictionary DataVizCatalogue and the bible Storytelling with Data of Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic.
  • Machine Learning. Projects of predictive models and a lot of study in this area.

