About me

Get to know me

Gil Santanna
Daddy Data Scientist
3 min readJan 20, 2021


An "excited scientist" defines the beginning of this story. I started working as a junior scientist when I was 14 years old in the field of molecular biology. By then, I won the the National Math Olympics for the Public Schools (OBMEP, in portuguese) and got to the third phase of the Physics Olympics. At 16 I got my own project to co-lead with a postdoc : Reprogramming of Menstrual Blood Derived cells into induced Pluripotent Stem-Cell. It also opened the doors to even teach some classes of bioengineering in the master program of the Biophysics department at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. You can find more details of my story in this TED Talk (in portuguese): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0yKyvELUy4

I then started my undergrad in Biophysics, started a digital company (LabSynapse), moved to the UK to be the first brazilian to be accelerated by the UK government Sirius Program — and then returned to Brazil to finish the undergrad in Applied Mathematics. In this course I had my first connection with Data Science, Big Data and all that fancy words. I was so mesmerized for this field, so I started researching on Neuroscience using Machine Learning tools. In the meantime I went to Stanford University to study, but this is a long talk for another post.

I was so in love for the world of possibilities Data Science could give me, but it also look so confusing and fuzzy to start. I wanted to, but I didn't know how to. There's a lot of pathways, it's hard to find the best one for you, don't you think?

I can share here many of my attempts and what I've learnt and what I'm learning (a LOT!).

First, I thought it could be a good idea to start studying web development to be more familiar with coding and also raise some money along the way. In fact, after 3 months of study I got my first developer job paying really well. But it was so difficult for my level and I didn't love it. When you love what you do, challenges are SO INTERESTING. So first learning: focus on what you love doing, everything becomes easier with it.

Second, I applied to a master degree on Data Science in UFRJ, but I got the happiest news in my life: My wife was pregnant! Wow!! It would be hard for me to keep the master, have a job to pay the bills, study and also being a really good and present father — especially in the first months that I need to give all the support to my wife and kid. So I talked with my mentor and she accepted me to start disciplines this year informally and then start officially next year. Excited! Second learning: We have to be flexible with the possible futures and be really kind to ourselves.

Third, inspired by a Meigarom Lopes youtube video (O que eu faria se tivesse que começar a carreira de Data Science hoje?), I decided to create a spreadsheet planning my studies by goals/months.

So here I am, willing to share with you my journey of husband, father of 2 (1 stepson of 3 y.o. and a son about to come in the next days) and now the most excited Data Scientist wannabe! Here you'll find how to manage to become a Data Scientist and manage all other important things in your life.

Ah! I'm also a professional pole dancer (award winner!), painter and I love playing basketball.

Finally, this is my family. Taís, my wonderful wife, my stepson Leon and my son in the oven, Eros. This is the best project I have ever made ❤

