2019 TL;DR

2019 was a significant year for $EDGE. From the launch of the Mainnet in January, to the high pace of development (8,198 commits 💪) and growth in network reach (527 nodes and counting!), we’ve been flat out #BUIDLing.

EDGE Network
4 min readFeb 2, 2020


The Edge Network was launched and has grown to over 500 nodes; we’ve served over 10 billion requests in the mainnet; hosted 8 AMAs; written 40 weekly updates; delivered 5 releases of API; 7 releases of Edit; 11 releases of CDN; and 8 releases of DNS.

Project updates

There were hundreds of updates in 2019 — far too many to list in full, but you can see them all here. Here’s a rundown of some of our favorites:

Launching the World’s First Edge Network

‘Constellation’ hit on the 02nd of January — the move of the Edge mainnet to live.


Announcing Our Rebrand

We announced the rebrand to Edge in June, and released the branding in July. The rebrand represented the culmination of months of work, synthesising everything that we know about edge computing, together with the core principles of our network, in to a coherent and powerful brand.


Delivering the HURIDOCS Grant

Our charitable foundation — The Edge Initiative — made its first grant, supporting groundbreaking new tech for human rights defenders.


Launching the Network Explorer

The first public release of our network explorer went live, giving an overview of the nodes active in the network.


Making Earning Data Available

Founding Nodes were bought online with live network traffic and started earning in April. Earning date became available on the dashboards of node owners.


Enabling Self-Onboarding for Network Contributors

Onboarding for self-hosted nodes on the Edge network opened in August, with support for Linux based AMD64/ARM devices.


Winning Best Edge Computing Platform at the Future Digital Awards

Edge won “Best Edge Computing Platform” in the IoT Innovation category at the Future Digital Awards 2019. The award was given following a thorough judging process undertaken by the analyst team at digital research consultancy Juniper Research.


Enabling Self-Serve for Content Distribution

Self serve for Content Distribution in the network was opened up to our community in November, enabling the use of the first network service without the need to interface with the Edge team.



There were a whole bunch of technology updates in 2019, many of which were written about by the team. Here’s our pick of the best:

Edge Storage Deep Dive

The decentralised web puts computational power and storage right at the edge, enabling hyper-localised caching and fault-tolerant object storage. The primary focus of the network’s latest development round was Edge Storage. As Edge storage moves on to Mainnet for live testing, Arthur Mingard takes a look at what’s happening under the hood.


Finite State Machine

The performance of network applications can be measured not only by the speed at which they resolve requests, but also by their ability to recover from faults. We have engineered performance in relation to faults on the basis of a fail fast philosophy. In this article Arthur Mingard digs in to the detail of how this works in practice.


An Introduction to Telemetry

Telemetry is a means by which data is collected from remote or inaccessible devices, or to be more accurate, a means by which it is transmitted by those devices to receivers. We have a lot of devices in the Edge network which operate in a similar fashion; which sit in all manner of inaccessible locations and operate on an egress-only basis. This article will introduce you to how we collect measurements from these devices.


Scaling the Edge

Arthur Mingard discusses the migration from a single global VPC approach to network architecture to one of interconnecting VPCs.


Go Content Distribution

Content Distribution service has been rebuilt in Go from the ground up as a network specific application, increasing performance and massively reducing its footprint.


Tracking devices on the network

Adam K Dean breaks down the approach to device tracking in the Edge Network.


What’s in store for 2020

  • The launch of the Edge Console
  • The enabling of payments for services in the network
  • The launch of Edge Storage
  • New partnership announcements
  • +lots, lots more

(Look out for a full roadmap update early in the New Year!)

Finally, a thank you

Edge is the world’s first edge network, and is at the forefront of a step change in our industry. 2019 was a highly significant year, from the launch of the mainnet to self onboarding and network growth. And there’ll be no let up in our pace in 2020.

The ongoing support of the community means a huge amount to the entire team. Thank you for being part of our journey.

Happy New Year.

Written by Joseph Denne. Joseph is the Founder & CEO of Edge Network Technologies.



EDGE Network

Peer-to-peer serverless infrastructure, powered by blockchain technology and built using the spare capacity all around us. The future of the cloud is Edge.