Announcing our rebrand

As followers of the project will be aware, we have been in the process of refreshing our brand for the past few months, and working to focus on network level services since the end of 2018.

EDGE Network
2 min readJun 30, 2019


Today we are thrilled to announce that we are rebranding to Edge.

We have been building networking software designed to operate in spare capacity of the devices all around us for several years now, and have deployed the world’s first operational edge computing network.

Running on, the platform’s architecture enables a multitude of devices — including low-powered and embedded systems — to operate as clusters of computational and storage capacity, providing services that operate as close to the point of need as possible.

For users this means a faster and more responsive experience. For customers cheaper prices, faster build and deployment times, and a huge reduction in ops requirement.

Network operators can contribute their existing estate to the network, enabling delivery within their own networks and reducing north-south transport, effectively converting it to east-west transport between devices and end users. This has fundamental implications for network performance and cost.

Andreessen Horowitz believe that cloud computing will be taking a back seat to edge computing — and that we will very quickly see the majority of processing taking place at the device level. (Watch now:

The total addressable market for edge computing is infinitely larger than where we are today. The proliferation of connected devices is moving from a world of billions of connected humans, to one of trillions of connected devices.

Our vision is the Edge network as the standard for decentralised computing. An infinite network of nodes, directly addressable and usable by anyone. A governance system free from individual or multinational control, organised by a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation.

Rebranding to Edge places us at the heart of this paradigm shift.



EDGE Network
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Peer-to-peer serverless infrastructure, powered by blockchain technology and built using the spare capacity all around us. The future of the cloud is Edge.