How to contribute to the DADI network

It’s more than Founding Nodes: here’s an overview of the ways you’ll be able to be a part of (and earn from) the new internet

EDGE Network
2 min readSep 14, 2018


Beautiful, glass-enclosed Raspberry Pis are merely the start for the DADI network, chosen to prove that even tiny devices used in relatively small numbers have the muscle to power our new vision for the internet. So where do we go beyond Founding Nodes?

Our strategy for scaling the DADI network is threefold: dedicated devices we build as plug-and-play contributors (such as the Founding Node), applications we develop to connect existing domestic machines (laptops, mobile phones, games consoles) and partnerships with companies who already manufacture products with spare capacity that we use on a day to day basis.

Let’s start with the first. The Founding Node is a great example of a ‘turnkey’ product — you unbox, plug in, register and start earning DADI tokens from that moment. Although we’ll never make the founding devices available for sale, we are working on other similar products that you will be able to buy.

Next it’s desktop applications for MacOSX and Windows, plus apps for iOS and Android, followed by development for other devices including games consoles. Each will bring new opportunities to earn DADI tokens for devices you already own. We’ll be updating our roadmap in due course with delivery dates for each of these.

The steps required in each case will be as straightforward as possible:

1) Buy a device or download an app

2) Purchase the 5000 $DADI proof of stake

3) Onboard via

4) Start earning tokens

You can begin this process right away — see for details of how to pre-register for contribution and where to buy tokens.

Beyond that, our planned partnerships will bring additional scale to the network. Here, as you can imagine, there is huge potential for installing DADI tech on machines ranging from connected speakers to smart TVs, to name but a couple.

We’ll be making announcements on this front in due course — but if you haven’t read it already, our article on reimagining the home as a data centre will be food for thought.

But let’s get back to the now. Our network is already live and powering our real-world client projects. Our Founding Nodes will be onboarded from the end of the month and it’s from there we’ll be looking to you for the next wave of network contributors.

Be ready, and let’s all share the wealth of the new internet.

Written by Paul Regan. Paul is the Product Director at DADI.



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