It’s time for change

Record profits for Amazon is yet another reason we need a fairer internet

EDGE Network
2 min readJul 27, 2018


DADI proposes a fairer internet by sharing revenue

Amazon announced a record $2.53bn quarterly profit today, the bulk of which can be attributed to its cloud services. Such is the scale of this revenue split, one commentator described Jeff Bezos’ behemoth as a ‘cloud computing company with a gift shop bolted on the side’.

If, like us, you believe that access to the internet has tipped way past luxury and into basic human right (think how many services now either require, or are made significantly easier, by being connected), then you must accept there is something wrong here.

Logging on to pay your taxes, buy clothing or food or insurance are far from in the same category as using your bandwidth to watch films or play games. As our world moves more of its services online, is it right we line the pockets of a handful of large corporations to deliver these basic services?

No. The DADI network has been set up as a not-for-profit to create a new internet powered by the people. You provide the network, the bandwidth and the hardware. You get paid for the services it supports — including those we all have to do every day.

It’s time for change. We want you to be a part of it. Please sign up at to be ready to claim your fair share of a new future. One that supports the global community and can be described as a ‘cloud computing social enterprise with a charitable foundation bolted on the side’.

Written by Paul Regan. Paul is the Product Director at DADI.



EDGE Network

Peer-to-peer serverless infrastructure, powered by blockchain technology and built using the spare capacity all around us. The future of the cloud is Edge.