“Friends, I challenge you to tone up + video call chat, everyday, for 7 days!”

Nina Liu
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2020

This is now your excuse to reconnect with someone to celebrate the “wellness” year and shed pounds after the big Turkey meal. Introducing “the fitness challenge” on desktop chrome browser to all friends and families. All you need is some room, comfy clothes, and preferably wireless bluetooth earphones to talk/hear clearly while moving. Let’s win and laugh together!

Join free at daency.com

The Challenge — What

Daency is the online dance school project that we are working on, and the same site will power this challenge so we can exercise with our friends in real-time and log progress directly. We feature 3 popular YouTube fitness exercises in the “Challenge”, for the 7 day from 11/28 –12/4, totaling 21 sessions (30 min each) for you to mix and match!

There are 2 prizes too. The “Most Fit” winner celebrates the one who completed the most number of exercises and the “Most Social” winner celebrates the one who exercised with most numbers of friends. Prizes includes bragging rights, surprise swag and my certified fitness home coaching (Yoga or UJam)!

The Challenge — How

Log in Daency to take the challenge in your “classroom” with or without a friend. After you finish the exercise session, press the “leave room” button and post your progress. You can see friends’ progress updates in “notifications”. We will make a leaderboard report each day and update here until winners are announced on December 4th midnight PST.

Don’t miss it! Aren’t you curious who have been logging their progress already yet?! Check it out now at Daency.

~ Love, health and peace. ~

Special thanks to Penny, Colin and Byron. Photo credits to Lia and Milinda.



Nina Liu
Editor for

Founder of Daency; dance enthusiast, certified UJam trainer and yoga instructor; prior product manager at Google and Microsoft