DAEX November Monthly Report

DAEX (Digital Assets Exchange)
9 min readDec 3, 2018

Blockchain 3.0 — Distributed Digital Assets Clearing Ecosystem

DAEX (Digital Assets Exchange) is a distributed digital asset clearing ecosystem. It builds a blockchain-based multi-asset clearing underlying protocol and provides full access to exchanges, institutions, and individuals through hierarchical decoupling of assets and transactions, providing wallet solutions and comprehensive asset clearing service to exchanges, institutions, and individuals. Further, it will also solve the major problems of credit, performance, and security in the digital asset ecosystem, promote the stability of industrial development and protect the investor’s interest.

The major partners of DAEX are :Qtum Foundation, Ba Wei Assets, Draper Dragon Innovation Foundation, IDEL International Digital Economic Alliance, J One Capital, JRR and other institutions.

Key Words: Iteration of DAEX Wallet for All Digital Assets, Optimization of DAEX Clearing Chain Code, Completed writing for Hardware Security Solution Whitepaper, Release of promotion video for DAEX All Digital Assets Wallet, DAEX showed up in 2018 International Blockchain Conference, Former Shanghai Stock Exchange, and Union Pay experts gathered in DAEX to talk about distributed technology and the future, DAEX participated multiple Blockchain Conference in Singapore, Macau, Indonesia and other places.

Part 1 DAEX News

DAEX showed up in the 2018 International Blockchain Conference

From November 28th to 30th, DAEX has participated in the 2018 International Blockchain Conference held at the Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center, as a representative of well-known blockchain enterprises. The conference was co-sponsored by the Changsha Municipal People’s Government, the Chinese Institute of Electronics and China Electronic Corporation Co., Ltd. Based on the theme of “Gathering the new chain of talents”, the conference was divided into three main sections: the main forum, the special forum, and the exhibition. The conference brought together experts, scholars and business leaders from the global blockchain field, and conducted in-depth discussions on issues such as strategy, policy, technology, ecology, market, and investment. At the same time, DAEX, as an important part of the 2018 International Blockchain Conference, brought together cutting-edge technologies in the blockchain industry to demonstrate the most leading and forward-looking blockchain digital asset wallet solutions during the conference.

For more information: https://medium.com/daex/daex-showed-up-in-the-2018-international-blockchain-conference-fully-demonstrating-the-power-of-464a13fab71e

The Release of the promotion video for DAEX Wallet for All Digital Assets.

DAEX Wallet for All Digital Assets is built by DAEX Exchange Technology Service Company. It is an all asset cross-chain wallet designed for exchanges, Token Fund, DApp, and other institutions. It supports the storage and custody of more than 300 mainstream digital assets, connecting BTC, ETH, EOS, BCH, ETC, LTC, and other main chains. It is called “the world’s first wallet for all digital asset”, and helps enterprise users reduce operating costs by optimizing management business processes. The wallet covers multi-asset and multi-account models, financial verification report, batch management of addresses and other multiple operation contents. The wallet substantially improves the user’s management efficiency of digital assets.

Part 2. DAEX Token

1. Basic Information of Token

Until November 30, 2018, the number of addresses holding DAX tokens reached 9441 (does not include 7000 addresses within the exchange), which decreased by 0.05% from October. The cumulative number of DAX transfers was 17,781, an increase of 1.39% over the previous period.

2. DAEX Token

Until November 30, 2018, the total volume of DAEX Token (DAX ) is 2million, and 1.39 billion is distributed on the main network, which takes 69.5% of the total amount. The total circulating amount is 610 million, which takes 30.5 % of the total amount. Among 610 million of the total circulation amount, there are currently 317.12 million DAX circulating in the market, which takes 18.55 %. The 203.88 million DAX is for the team’s community activities and position locking, which takes 11.95 %the.

Part 3 DAEX Product Development

1. Consist Iteration of DAEX Wallet for All Digital Assets

  • English Version of Enterprise-Grade Wallet is online. DAEX Wallet is consistently iterated, including intrasite information and announcement, visualized verification process, query on the all-digital assets report, and assets main network switch and other functions.
  • Enterprise-grade Wallet Butler is in the process of development. Currently, 25% of the development work has been completed, and it is expected that the iOS and Android clients will be launched in January 2019.
  • In order to improve the overall performance, the Bitcoin asset is updated with withdrawal code, and the UTXO cost logic for batch operation is optimized.

2. Structural Optimization of DAEX Clearing Public Chain Code

  • Optimizing the public chain code structure, which includes, executable package, core package, smart contract, account model, consensus layer, persistence layer, cryptographic algorithm layer, and transmission layer.
  • Adjusting the activity and margin module of the ASPOS consensus, it is to solve the problems of timeout waiting and network transmission in the cumulative signature.

3. Release the new achievement of DAEX Hardware Security Solutions

  • Complete the design of the DAEX hardware wallet, complete the hardware underlying driver and call interface development.
  • Completed writing of the DAEX Hardware Security Solution Whitepaper. The whitepaper is the latest exploration of digital asset security issues from the perspective of trusted execution environments, access control strategies, and distributed hosting based on different user scenarios.

Part 4 DAEX Marketing Events

Chinese Market

DAEX Lecture | Former Shanghai Stock Exchange and Union Pay experts gathered in DAEX to talk about distributed technology and the future.

On the afternoon of November 26th, DAEX held an offline sharing session upon the theme of “Focusing on the Distributed Future”. Bai Shuo, who is China Ledger Technical Committee Director and former Chief Engineer of Shanghai Stock Exchange, and Yan Xiangxiang, who is Ta Lian Network Technology CEO and former Union Pay Electronic Payments Research Institute, have come to DAEX and talk about the latest technology issues, and share the distributed technology theory in different perspectives.

For more information: https://medium.com/daex/daex-lecture-is-coming-ee14c03d2a57

English Market

INDOCOMTECH Roundtable Discussion | DAEX: The Fast Establishment of Technological Barrier is the only way to dominate the market

On November 3, 2018, Zhang Hua, the Co-founder of DAEX, was invited to INDOCOMTECH Conference in Jakarta, Indonesia. In the conference, she delivered a speech on the theme of “Blockchain is the future”. At the roundtable meeting, She shared the path of the development of DAEX and further discussed the development of blockchain technology and future application with a number of high-quality blockchain project managers and several participants.

For more information: https://medium.com/@DaexBlockchain/daex-the-fast-establishment-of-technological-barrier-is-the-only-way-to-dominant-the-market-aeee85f5c80e

SORA Summit in Macau | DAEX: Distributed Clearing will be the next explosion point.

On November 13, 2018, DAEX CO-Founder Zhang Hua is invited that she will attend the SORA Summit held in Macau Tower, and will share the insight upon the theme of “Exchanges, Listing & Regulations”. In addition, Jason Lau, the Vice President of Okex; Kenny Shih, the executive director of Consumer, and many other well-known guests of blockchain industry from mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, the United States, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Russia, and Taiwan

For more information: https://medium.com/daex/event-preview-daex-co-founder-zhang-hua-is-invited-to-attend-the-sora-summit-in-macau-864205cf4560

Singapore Fintech Festival | DAEX: Focus on the innovation and technology of the blockchain Industry.

On November 15–16, 2018, Jason Tang, DAEX Co-Founder, and Chief Architect, participated 3rd Singapore Financial Technology Festival and walked into the 80RR Innovation Lab on behalf of DAEX. He delivered a speech based on the theme of “Technical Innovation and Investment Driven By Blockchain”, and shared what DAEX, as a leading provider of Blockchain solution, digital assets exchange, and management system solutions, achieves lately and what kind of new theory does DAEX has in the respect of blockchain technological innovation and investment.

For more information: https://medium.com/@DaexBlockchain/singapore-fintech-festival-daex-focus-on-the-innovation-and-technology-of-blockchain-industry-83f6592ae577

Korean Market

Block Battle | The future of digital currency trading, we are on the new start point.

On November 16, 2018, Zhang Hua, the Co-Founder of DAEX, took part in Block Battle Conference in Korea. As one of the roundtable guests, she shared ideas upon the theme of “Blockchain Ecosystem” with CEOs of various famous exchanges. The discussion is intensive and inspiring that it has yielded the fruitful and innovative result.

For more information: https://medium.com/@DaexBlockchain/block-battle-roundtable-conference-in-korea-the-future-of-digital-currency-trading-we-are-on-d0f1f4ff9a75

Part 5 DAEX Community

This month, DAEX’s domestic and international communities are operating, and all major social media platforms maintain a high level of attention. At the same time, the DAEX Korean community has added Telegram-Korea, which is convenient for community users to better understand project information and communicate.

The followings are the data of SNS platforms

Chinese Community

English Community

Korean Community

Part 6 Media

Chinese Market

DAEX has moved into the mainstream media platform

DAEX has entered the mainstream media information platform, such as Huobi, Bihu, and Bi Xiaobai. It has now included a number of blockchain media to create a full range of DAEX information dissemination channels. Users can use a variety of applications to understand project information and master the latest and most timely development status of the project.

English Market

  1. Medium

DAEX has published 12 articles in Medium this month, with 1430+ reading rates. The most popular article is “How DAEX can be a reliable financial and technology partner of digital asset exchanges”

2. Twitter

DAEX has published 12 tweets, which get 303,000 impressions. Our current subscribers are 11,000.

3. Youtube.

DAEX has uploaded promotion video of DAEX Wallet For All Digital Assets in both Youtube and Tencent Video Platform

Korean Market

  1. Korean Facebook

DAEX has published 7 articles in Facebook

Please subscribe our Facebook: @DAEX-Korea

2. Naver Blog

DAEX has published 4 new articles Korean Naver Blog

Part 7 Next Month Market Preview

On December 4th, DAEX CO-Founder Zhang Hua will be invited to host the United Labs investor year-end ceremony, representing DAEX to communicate with a number of top public chain projects and top investment institutions to seek more interactive cooperation. United Labs is a blockchain investor alliance jointly launched by Fundamental Labs, Turbo Capital, JRR Capital, NEO Global Capital, Bi Sheng Capital, I Blockchain Capital, Star Venture Capital, Ben Ray Capital, Blockshine and many other well-known blockchain investment institutions in 2018. Through the creation of investment sharing platform, it shares project resources and is committed to establishing bridges for investment in blockchains in East China and even the whole country. The alliance has become a link for international exchange and cooperation in blockchain investment. For more events, please look forward to the follow-up public number update!

DAEX Global Eco-Layout will develop more global partners and build DAEX clearing ecosystem, so stay tuned!

Follow us online to stay up to date with news and information from DAEX:

Website: www.daex.io

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DaexBlockchain

Telegram: https://t.me/DAEXOfficial_en

Medium: https://medium.com/daex

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DAEX_Blockchain/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqgUNUY8fM6-XIbweKrYL0w

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daexblockchain/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/daex-blockchain-group-limited/



DAEX (Digital Assets Exchange)

A cryptocurrency clearing solution based on distributed ledger technology. Website: daex.io