October Monthly Report

DAEX (Digital Assets Exchange)
8 min readNov 1, 2018

DAEX (Digital Assets Exchange) is a distributed digital asset clearing ecosystem built using a blockchain-based multi-asset clearing and settlement protocol. By decoupling assets and transactions, the system will provide exchanges, corporations and individuals with a full range of clearing and wallet solutions which address key issues in the digital asset ecosystem, such as credibility, availability and the security of their digital assets. In this way, the ecosystem will protect the interests of investors while promoting the fair and stable development of the industry as a whole.

Key DAEX partners include Qtum Foundation, 8 Decimal Capital, DFJ Dragon Fund, IDEL, J One Capital, JRR and various other prominent investment organizations.

This October monthly report will include information regarding the progress on the DAEX Wallet and Clearing Chain development , strategic cooperation with IONIA, New Member Bai Shuo in the DAEX Exchange Technical Services team and more.

Part 1: DAEX News

Strategic Cooperation between DAEX and IONIA,a South Korean Decentralized Exchange, has been reached, and first Korean Ecological Node is established

DAEX has reached a deep strategic cooperation with South Korea’s decentralized exchange- IONIA, and also established DAEX’s first formal ecological node in Korea. This cooperation is an in-depth development of DAEX in the Korean market and is another new global ecological layout of DAEX , following Russia, Thailand, South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia and Australia.

In the next phase, DAEX will further strengthen business cooperation with IONIA, relying on the technical advantages and market resources of both parties to achieve complementary advantages and strong cooperation. Recently, DAEX COO Lois Shen will also teams up to South Korea to negotiate with many outstanding blockchain exchanges and project teams to further explore the Korean market.

DAEX cooperates with Bai Shuo, the former Chief Engineer in Shanghai Stock Exchange, to publish the World’s First Enterprise Level Wallet for All Digital Assets

Recently, Bai Shuo, the former chief engineer of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, joined the DAEX Exchange Technical Service Company as the chief scientist to guide the research and development of DAEX digital asset trading and distributed clearing and depository solutions.

The DAEX Exchange Technical Services team, led by Bai Shuo as the chief scientist, launched the World’s first cross-chain wallet for all digital assets which is designed for exchanges, private equity funds, DApps and other organizations to support the storage and host of more than 300 mainstream digital assets.

Part 2: DAEX Token(DAX)

Basic Information In Etherscan

As of 23:59 pm (GMT+8), October 31, 2018, the number of addresses holding DAX tokens reached 9452, which is a 90.76% increase from September(4955).Otherwise, there are over 7000 addresses holding DAX in exchanges.The cumulative number of DAX transfers was 17,556, an increase of 61.21% over the previous period.

Contract Address: https://etherscan.io/token/0x0b4bdc478791897274652dc15ef5c135cae61e60

Token Supply

The total supply of DAX tokens was 2 billion, with 1.39 billion of them distributed for the main net and total circulating supply of DAX remaining at 0.61 billion. Since now, the current circulating supply of DAX is 371 million and other 239 million DAX tokens is locked for team subscription and community cooperation.

Part 3: DAEX Products and R&D Progress

The Optimised Iteration for the DAEX Wallet For All Digital Assets

  • The Optimized Iteration for DAEX Wallet For All Digital Assets includes multiple functions such as security verification, asset statistics, risk control strategy, message callback mechanism, and message middleware performance, and it will support online multilingual versions of English and Korean in the near future.
  • The product design and technology selection of the enterprise-level wallet management app is completed, and it will become a more comprehensive and exclusive service for corporate customers in the future.
  • The operation and testing of various functional modules of the DAEX hardware wallet have been completed on the hardware chip, and the performance is better than expected.
  • The multi-node deployment of the public wallet is completed and it provides self-service switching to ensure the business stability, when abnormal risks are occured.. At the same time, it solves the problem of memory surge of some main nodes, and tests the stable digital currency ,such as USDC, PAX, GUSD, DAI, TUSD, EURS, etc., online.

The multi-module development DAEX clearing chain is steadily advancing

  • The development of clearing chain consensus, encryption, core, actuator, virtual machine, network and other modules is steadily advancing.
  • Joint research with the DAEX blockchain laboratory of East China University of Science and Technology to develop a blockchain consensus algorithm is in the progress and it completes the results report.

Part 4: DAEX Events

Chinese Market

DAEX Foundation Chairman Benjamin Gu gave a wonderful speech in the “BitBang” event

October 13, Benjamin Gu,DAEX Foundation Chairman, was invited to participate in the BIT BANG offline event held in Shanghai and gave a wonderful speech. Benjamin introduced the DAEX clearing ecosystem and the recently launched DAEX full-asset wallet to the audiences, and had a positive Q&A interaction with them.

Benjamin Gu, Chairman of DAEX Foundation, attended the “Sino-US Blockchain Technology and Fintech Development Seminar”

On October 21st, Benjamin Gu participated in the “Sino-US Blockchain Technology and Technology Finance Development Seminar” and shared the “Application of the Securities-based Economy” and received applause from the audience.

Korean Market

DAEX COO Lois participated in a video interview with well-known Tomkulive in Korea

DAEX COO Lois was invited to participate in an interview with well-known Tomkulive in South Korea and posted an interview video on YouTube this month. This interview revolves around how DAEX will build the safest digital asset clearing ecosystem and provide wallet solutions for exchanges, institutions and individuals.

Part 5 Community and Marketing

Chinese Community

DAEX full-asset wallet goes online in China and starts trial
Since the launch of the DAEX full-asset wallet in the Chinese market, it has received extensive attention from the market and has provided wallet services to more than 50 enterprise-level users. As a representative of the new generation of digital asset wallet, DAEX full-asset wallet will continue to upgrade the wallet product features, and will soon release English and Korean multi-language versions.

English Community

Telegram GIFY Contest

From October 18th to October 23rd, DAEX launched the Telegram GIFY Contest. The event was held in the English, Indonesian and Russian telegram groups, attracting the enthusiastic participation of many community partners and producing many interesting and fun GIFY works.

Click the link to join our telegram for more events: https://t.me/DAEXOfficial_en

Korean Community

There are a total of 206 people in the Kakao community, and we have created a telegram of the Korean community.

Join us for more news:
KaKao : https://open.kakao.com/o/gWJcHBQ
DAEX Korean Telegram Group: https://t.me/DAEXOfficial_kr

Part 6 Media

English Market

This month, a total of 6 articles were published on Medium, with a reading volume of 1000+ and 170+ fans. The representative articles include “DAEX cooperations with Bai Shuo, the former Chief Engineer in Shanghai Stock Exchange, to publish the World’s First Enterprise Level. Wallet for All Digital Assets.”For details, please click on the link:


A total of 10 Twitter posts were released this month, earned 607.6K impressions over this 31 days period.The current number of followers is about 12,000.


This month, DAEX created a new English video zone on YouTube, uploaded 11 videos and updated 17 videos. Among these,DAEX COO Lois series sharing videos talking about “How does DAEX become the financial and technical partner of the exchange?” are popular!

For more information, subscribe to the DAEX YouTube account: DAEX Blockchain

Korean Market


South Korea’s Facebook updates 16 articles this month.
Here’s the link:

Nave Blog

Blog updates 5 articles this month.
Here’s the link:https://blog.naver.com/dailydaex

Part 7: Upcoming News

DAEX Products and R&D Progress

  • DAEX Full Asset Wallet is available in multiple languages
  • DAEX Lab held its second sharing meeting
  • DAEX clearing chain development continues to advance steadily


  • On November 3rd, DAEX Co-founder Hana Zhang was invited to attend the INDOCOMTECH conference in Jakarta, Indonesia, and will share the theme of “The future development of blockchain technology and applications”, and will discuss with many high-quality blockchain project participants.
  • From November 13th to November 14th, Hana Zhang was invited to attend the Blockchain Summit Forum held in Macau Tower and sharing a speech together with Jason Lau, the OKex Vice President and Kenny Shih, the Coinsuper Executive Director.
  • From November 15th to November 16th, DAEX COO Lois will attend the Fintech Summit held at the 80RR Financial Center in Singapore and participate in the round table on the spot. This summit will discuss financial and blockchain technology innovation solutions in depth and explore a range of topics such as social expansion, regulatory costs, innovation and trust.
  • From November 28th to November 30th, DAEX will make a wonderful appearance at the 2018 International Blockchain Conference. The conference was held at the Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center. With the theme of “Gathering the new chain of talents”, it has two forums which will focus on strategic layout and policy orientation, basic research and cutting-edge exploration, market sharing and investment trends.

In addition, we will be starting a new focus on more global events to help really get our name out there and gain more promising partnerships for DAEX, so stay tuned for future events!

Follow us online to stay up to date with news and information from DAEX:

Website: www.daex.io

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DaexBlockchain

Telegram: https://t.me/DAEXOfficial_en

Medium: https://medium.com/daex

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DAEX_Blockchain/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqgUNUY8fM6-XIbweKrYL0w

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daexblockchain/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/daex-blockchain-group-limited/



DAEX (Digital Assets Exchange)

A cryptocurrency clearing solution based on distributed ledger technology. Website: daex.io