How does insurance work?

Chris Forster
Published in
4 min readMar 11, 2019

Everything you need to know about protecting your items, claiming insurance, and what exactly gets covered

The first question most people ask when they hear about Daggle is “what happens if my things are lost, stolen, or broken?”

It is an excellent question, and a common worry we want to allay (read this post for more on other common concerns and why it’s all really okay).


Everything on Daggle is covered up to AED 5,000.

(We will periodically review this cap and judge whether to change it from time to time based on a number of risk factors, including the value of items being uploaded and the frequency items are borrowed.)

If the value of the item you upload is more than AED 5,000 please contact us at to discuss possible solutions.


When you borrow something you are fully responsible for returning it undamaged. If the item is lost, stolen, or damaged, you are liable for the cost of compensating the Lender. It is up to you to agree with the owner a suitable arrangement or to take out additional insurance through another company before you borrow the item.

In either case, it is in your interest to come to an agreement with the Lender as after every transaction they will have the opportunity to rate you on a 1 to 5 scale. Scoring low could mean that other lenders in the future are more reluctant to lend to you. (Read more on the star rating system in our ‘how to borrow’ post, and on disputes and how to resolve them.)

If you are unable to reach an agreement, and the Lender files a claim with Daggle, you may have to bear some of the cost of Daggle compensating the Lender, once the case details have been evaluated.

Coming soon: Borrowers can opt into insurance coverage from Daggle to make sure you are covered for any damage or loss for items borrowed.


If you already have insurance for your damaged, lost, or stolen item please make a claim through your insurance provider. If they are unable to honour your claim, then please contact

When you send in a claim, please include as much detail as you can:

  • Your name
  • Your mobile number
  • Item name and description
  • URL link to its item page on Daggle
  • When the item was borrowed
  • When the item was returned
  • Estimated original cost of item
  • Roughly how old the item is
  • Description of the damage done
  • Explanation given by borrower
  • Photos of item before it was lent out (please always take these before lending)
  • Photos of item after it was returned, specifically of damaged area
  • Estimated cost of replacement or fixing (if possible)

While we cannot guarantee that we will always be able to compensate you for any loss, damage, or theft of your items, we will endeavour to support you in any way we can.

When does coverage not apply?

There are a number of situations where we will not be able to provide coverage:

  • The value of the item is over AED 5,000 (unless specific arrangements with Daggle have been made)
  • The item was lent out for zero value (learn more in our ‘how to lend’ post)
  • The transaction took place outside of Abu Dhabi, UAE
  • The item was not paid for or lent through Daggle

You must also be able to truthfully answer ‘yes’ to all the following:

  • I have never been convicted of, or charged with, any offence besides driving offences.
  • I have never been subject to bankruptcy proceedings or a court judgment.
  • I have never had insurance cancelled, refused, or declined, nor have I had any special terms imposed.
  • I have not made more than two insurance claims in the past five years or more than one claim in the past ten months.

What does Daggle not cover?

Daggle’s insurance guarantee does not cover any personal liability. This means we will not cover any costs for injury done to any person, or damage done to a person’s property, if the item breaks, stops working, or is not in perfect condition.

Daggle will not cover any costs that arise due to the use or misuse of an item, whether it malfunctions or remains in working order, including but not limited to legal costs, medical bills, loss of earnings (for yourself or others), replacement or repair of damaged property.

That about covers it with insurance on Daggle. The best thing to do is remember to be careful with other people’s property and to treat it as if it were your own. Remember, lenders will for the most part be your neighbours, so let’s be neighbourly and look after each other’s things.

If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to email In the meantime, happy Daggling!

