DAIA Welcomes New Partners: DeepBrain Chain, Kambria and bitgrit

Published in
6 min readFeb 18, 2019

We are very proud to welcome three new partners who share our values and passion to promote a more transparent, inclusive, and democratized AI.

Now part of our ecosystem of ecosystems, please meet DeepBrain Chain, Kambria and bitgrit.

DeepBrain Chain

DeepBrain Chain’s vision is to provide a low-cost, flexible, secure, and decentralized computing platform for AI products. Their mission is to build a decentralized ecosystem and accelerate the advancement of new AI technologies.

By using DeepBrain Chain platform, enterprises can reduce 70% of their hardware cost and avoid potential privacy risks. Since they are fixed by smart contract, this effectively solves the trust issues that inhibits data providers from sharing their data.

According to their Overseas Director of Business Development and Community Relations, Rhyan Cook, they have a lot to contribute to DAIA:

We currently have a working distributed network of computing power available at a fraction of the cost compared to Amazon Web Services or similar outfits. The more we iterate and make changes to the network, the faster and more efficient it becomes. This is a key resource that DAIA member organizations can utilize and we can work closely to developeprojects. Our community has stuck with us since our project’s inception and many of them are professionally qualified in various areas, be it AI, finance, DevSecOps and more. As we look more towards open-sourcing our own project, we find there is a wealth of talent within our own community eager to help out within the AI+Blockchain space as a whole.”

Concerning the work tht he sees and wants to do with DAIA in 2019, he added:

“As we begin our journey to open sourcing our code and developing the core platform, we’ve seen many hands pop up wanting to get involved. The biggest benefit we’re seeing is that people can have a go, practice and get involved with other like-minded individuals to collaborate on projects or build on ideas. Ultimately we would love to see collaboration on DAIA projects, where developers can share resources across the board or pick and choose something they would like to get involved with. There’s a lot of quality developers out there and the DAIA is a great way to showcase potential projects that could be of interest.”


Kambria is a decentralized open innovation platform which aims to radically accelerate the development and adoption of the world’s most advanced robotic technologies.

Inspired by other open source operating system like Linux and Android, Kambria was born out of the desire to provide developers and creator with the necessary tools and connect them with market demand. The core of their platform is an open repository containing a high-level behavior library, modular hardware and software components for robotics. The repository is designed to maximize reusability and collaboration during development.

As William Ryan, Community Manager and Blockchain Consultant commented about Kambria joining DAIA:

“Kambria is building an Open Innovation platform that allows researchers and corporations to build AI by utilizing Kambria’s codebase. . Because most companies work in silos, we often see a disconnect between innovators which hinders creativity and breakthroughs. Our goal as a decentralized AI project is to provide the means and tools for researchers to collaborate and share ideas to stimulate growth in AI and robotics innovation. The Kambria Open Innovation Platform will provide these tools, allowing other members of DAIA to utilize, collaborate, and build AI. Kambria will also provide a high-level resource library and educational curriculum, training programs, and physical locations for mentorship programs. Lastly, Kambria will provide a platform for projects to request funding through our “bottom-up innovation” programs, which allow projects to create funding proposals for their ideas. These projects will be tapping into a global pool of backers and corporations who wish to get in on the ground floor.”

He also adds some trends he sees in the AI / Decentralized world:

“One of the primary reasons Kambria began this project is due to the difficulty of developing robotics and AI technologies, and we saw a massive disconnect between companies building these technologies. The industry is nearly void of sharing information. You see open source projects such as Linux, where thousands of developers collaborate to improve the Linux ecosystem, but AI and robotics have not followed in similar fashion, and as a result, innovation is stifled. This is a trend we would like to break, as we have discovered that over 80% of all innovation is wasted effort on “reinventing the wheel”. We believe true innovation should be decentralized and collaborative. Open source is the answer.”

With the vision of democratizing the value of AI through the blockchain, bitgrit platform connects data scientists, data providers, and corporations involved with AI technology.

Born out of Asia and currently expanding across the globe, bitgrit platform is established as an online community of Data Scientists and an AI marketplace. Their plan is to democratize the value created by AI by ensuring that those who contribute to its creation are the ones to receive the majority of value delivered by these systems.

Frederik Bussler, bitgrit CEO, expressed his excitement to join DAIA:

“Since learning about the disintermediating and decentralizing power of blockchain, and the issues with the asymmetric distribution and creation of value in traditional AI systems, I sought ways to create a practical merging between blockchain and AI. I first heard Dr. Ben Goertzel speak at the AiDecentralized inaugural summit in Toronto, and was inspired to contribute to the space. DAIA shares our vision of using AI for good, and for creating more equitable systems.”

He continues with the trends he sees in the AI world and how bitgrit can contribute to DAIA:

“We’re seeing that in spite of amazing breakthroughs in cutting-edge AI, many companies are still slow to adopt AI, or are stuck with poor data infrastructure, and so are getting left behind. Many companies have failed to create proper data pipelines or done basic data exploration, so are still several steps behind implementing AI. In the decentralized world, conversations are finally shifting away from price points and towards development, while the term “blockchain” no longer encompasses all forms of distributed or replicated ledger technology.”


“bitgrit takes a community-first approach to democratic AI, by facilitating ecosystems to share the brainpower for building AI. We hope to foster more relationships between companies with AI needs and AI solutions providers in the DAIA space.”

How can you get involved?

Our vision is to foster a world where AI technologies and associated data are made open with decentralized, democratic control for the benefit of all sentient beings.

The immense potential of AI means that it can either increase the inequalities of our societies or liberate us from numerous sufferings. We believe the best way forward is to come together and work practically toward creating a better future. We see a massive potential for evolution in the established centralized corporations. We believe tech giants can contribute immensely toward making the DAIA’s vision a reality.

We are welcoming the participation of those corporations that are sincere about their aim and goal of democratizing AI. The open access networks that have come together to form DAIA, such as DeepBrain Chain, Kambria and bitgrit are the enabling such a democratization process.

To learn more about us and inquire for memberships, please contact us at team@daia.foundation.

