DAIA Welcomes New Partners: OSA Decentralized, Beran IT-services and Spinnit Technologies

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6 min readFeb 27, 2019

To foster a world where AI is open for decentralized and democratic control we must recognize the value of diversity and inclusion. To DAIA, every partnership of this ecosystem is unique and matters.

This week we are proud to officially announce our partnership with three incredible partners. With focus in one of the biggest industries in the world and to support the idea of decentralized AI from the rural areas of Germany to the restless nightlife of Amsterdam, please welcome Osa Decentralized, Beran IT and Spinnit Technologies!

OSA Decentralized

By uniting supply chain specialist, data providers, data scientists, IT specialists, apps developers, computation power providers, laboratories, regulators and end consumers, OSA Decentralized offers services that help spur the development of B2B and B2C services on the blockchain.

They provide services such as inventory tracking, consumer trust, and product waste optimization for world-leading consumer product retail and manufacturers, including Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, JTI, Mars, L’Oreal, Metro Cash & Carry, and many others.

Esther Katz, Responsible of Communications at OSA Decentralized, shares her views about the democratization of AI and why they are joining DAIA:

“Blockchain originates from the community will to share information in a transparent and fair manner. Here we are talking about Artificial Intelligence and decentralized access to AI resources, that should be open and available for all irrespective of their origin, birthplace, and income. OSA uses blockchain and AI to improve supply chain inefficiency, provide customers with fair, trustworthy information about the products they buy, avoid overstock thus cutting down product waste that amounts to thousands of tons of garbage annually. Joining DAIA is a natural part of our growth towards contributing to the community.”

She added that they are happy to cooperate with other members of the alliance and outlined OSA’s resources :

“We will be sharing our expertise, resources, and experience getting into one of the oldest and conservative industries in the world through our ideas of fair information distribution and sharing. We will be happy to cooperate with fellow members on product development, education.”

Beran IT-services

Located in a rural area of Germany, Beran IT is a small company that focuses on IT solutions, their role is to act as an interface between man and machine designing solutions with an unbiased an integrated approach.

Beran IT offers a wide range of services with extensive know-how in various fields such as AI chatbots, home surveillance, data recovery and backup, media administration, consulting services and more.

The founder Frank Beran introduced us to his work and how he notices that many are getting behind regarding the advancements in certain technologies:

“My role as an interface between man and machine is to track and understand this AI evolution to bring significant change to my customers.

I see AI, especially decentralized AGI, as a great asset to humanity, both socially and commercially, in terms of efficiency and professionalism. Especially here in my region, I observe large gaps in the population’s knowledge and partly also fear of change by AI and automation. Many companies are still in their late 1980s infrastructure and do not want to understand that the technological world around them is changing rapidly, whether they like it or not.”

As a closing note, he shared with us what inspired him to work towards a decentralized AI future, and why he is excited to not only be joining DAIA but also help as a catalyst for tech development in his area:

“As a convinced transhumanist and open source fan, my path led me to the lectures of the brilliant Dr. Ben Goertzel and finally to SingularityNET and the DAIA.

The fact that SingularityNET lets anyone create, share, and monetize AI services at scale convinced me to join this good cause and to deal with the functionality and programming of this decentralized ai platform to possibly also offer my own AI services on the Blockchain.

I see my role as a small link to the German-speaking population promoting this platform and the DAIA within my sphere of influence , in order to do my part to change the future for the benefit of humanity.”

Spinnit Technologies

Pushing the cycle of independent entrepreneurship with a focus on gamified intelligence & Marketing. Spinnit combines technology and radical thinking to generate new insights to pave the way for new consumer and business relations. By creating the tools for new social entrepreneurs and market intelligence to focus on an intention based economy rather than an attention based one.

As the founder Ingmar Miedema states:

“With the advances in technology and interconnectivity, humanity became an inevitable component in the circuit that generates billions for big tech companies rather than being seen as the pro-sumer:

The future is yet to unfold but paradoxically it’s already set in stone by those corporations that have led us to a world where surveillance capitalism is prying through everything connected.The problem stems from a free internet, an internet that allowed the creation of a system that turns behavior into a commodity and entices developers to create addictive algorithms instead of creating tools for independent entrepreneurs.”

He doesn’t stop there:

“A world where Artificial Intelligence exists requires us to rethink our initial assumptions considering business models and marketing/consumer- centric thinking.It calls for an intelligent consumer that has the tools to remain independent, in control and sovereign, to be seen as an equal at the table rather than a subject of being data-mined and exploited continuously.”

Spearheading a new form of social entrepreneurship, the focus of Spinnit is to create the building blocks for the upcoming ‘impact marketing’ revolution. They create principles based on a mixture of crowdsourcing, data royalties, and spot options. They understand that one of the most critical trends in AI is replacing human labour, therefore allowing for democratizing AI to include multiple stakeholders is critical. Ingmar closes with some final thoughts why they are excited to be joining DAIA and valuing customers:

“We are excited for we bring diferent thought patterns to the table of artificial intelligence, where we at Spinnit focus our ideas to facilitate and create Impact orientated marketing we work to create out of the ordinary business models to empower people in their respected niches. Whether that is a consumer that wants to be enabled in e-business or a facilitating a Nightmayor in their endeavours to promote and organise their culture of the Night, together with DAIA we believe that the first steps to a more fluent internet and more respected internet can be taken. We believe that to ignite a new internet we need tools to change our per-spectives not only in the way we use and go about our own data, that of people but also to what end. A future where we can combing both our intentions to want to Impact and Change the world around us. While blockchain faccilitates and artificial intelligence accelerates we still need the concepts that allow us to become the heroes in our own journey. We aim to facciliate just that.

With Designer Jobs at our core of thinking, we ofer our partners A alternate pathways to a more empowered and independent social en-trepeneur & prosumer. With DAIA we have found a bridge and correlative vision to accelerate and collaborate in this new world of opportunities for all levels of thinkers & doers.”

How can you get involved?

Our vision is to foster a world where AI technologies and associated data are made open with decentralized, democratic control for the benefit of all sentient beings.

The immense potential of AI means that it can either increase the inequalities of our societies or liberate us from numerous sufferings. We believe the best way forward is to come together and work practically toward creating a better future. We see a massive potential for evolution in the established centralized corporations. We believe tech giants can contribute immensely toward making the DAIA’s vision a reality.

We are welcoming the participation of those corporations that are sincere about their aim and goal of democratizing AI. The open access networks that have come together to form DAIA, such as OSA Decentralized, Spinnit Technologies and Beran IT are enabling such a democratization process.

To learn more about us and inquire for memberships, please contact us at team@daia.foundation.

