DAIA Welcomes New Partners: Perth Iot, metaMe and OneReach.ai

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6 min readJun 26, 2019

It is our mission to support the creation of decentralized, democratically controlled and open AI technologies. As part of this mission, we continue collaborating with and uniting Blockchain and AI projects all around the globe with the common goal to advance decentralized AI & Blockchain technology that is aligned with human values. This week we are proud to welcome to our team Perth IoT, metaMe and OneReach.ai.

Perth IoT

Perth IoT hosts an open decentralized and free-to-use network for streaming machine data from physical devices. They have an active community of motivated volunteers who have demonstrated that building Internet of Things talent, platform capability and smart solutions starts with three things:

1. Helping and sharing with each other openly to experiment, learn, demonstrate and internet of things.

2. Self-organizing around positive goals for social and environmental outcomes before economic outcomes.

3. Including the entire community: citizens, academia, industry and government in an open decentralized manner.

Tom Zorde who is Perth IoT founder shared with us his feelings about joining DAIA:

“Perth Internet of Things are excited to collaborate with other DAIA partners to accelerate the benefits of IoT and AI for everyone. We will build, publish and consume software services to process streaming machine data. We are open to building these for optimal re-use.”

When asked about the trends he sees in the AI / decentralized world Tom believes that AI services interacting with Internet of Things should be democratized for the good of everyone, he complements that “Decentralization removes inefficiencies inherent in legacy operating models requiring middle-man services susceptible to corruption.


metaMe mission is to empower people to use their data to gain sovereignty, freedom and improve their lives. They approach this by developing a new class of intelligent programmable information asset, which is called a metaPod, which can be owned, shared and traded in similar ways to crypto tokens and currencies.

Dele Atanda, the founder of metaMe, shared with us why he is excited to join DAIA:

“Our view is that DLTs enable us to exchange money as easily as we do information but our goal at metaMe is to use DLTs to enable us to exchange information as securely as we do money. We believe that by providing people with a safe home for their data and a safe way with which to share it we will establish the foundations for individualised, decentralised and self sovereign AIs to emerge at the edge dedicated to their citizen owner’s needs as opposed to the needs of authorities and companies. We believe this can usher in a new era of productivity, progress and harmony. It is evident to us that the DAIA will be an important partner to us in realizing this vision.”

When asked about anything that would lend itself to the general narrative of the work he sees and wants to do with DAIA, he continues:

“We are very much focused on delivering our core protocol, network and pilot ecosystem over the next 12 months. We have a pipeline of pilot initiatives to carry out with Fortune 100 companies and a comprehensive roadmap of policy, governance, product and technology deliverables. We look forward to sharing more details on individual initiatives with the group and to working with members directly and collectively as we progress our plans. In the short term, we plan to launch a sandbox, API and containerized environment where ML models can run on data sets acquired from within our ecosystem in about 3 months. We would love to work with DAIA members to define the specifications and operational details on how these environments need to be designed to enable effective and efficient adoption. Do please let us know if you would like to learn more or get involved. In the meantime all that remains is to say thank you for welcoming us into this esteemed body of complimentary, like minded pioneers.”


As a no-code / low-code platform for building AI-powered conversations and automating tasks, OneReach.ai enables non-developers and alike to create and train AI solutions as easily as building a spreadsheet or presentation. With a suite of tools built for collaboration, they help people and organizations unlock opportunities for AI-driven automation of processes and communications, without writing code.

Robb Wilson who is the founder, lead designer and chief technologist of the company shared with us a few words on why they are excited to join DAIA:

“We’re excited to join DAIA because it aligns so well with our philosophy, that to truly democratize AI it needs to be available for non-programmers as well. We have lowered the complexity to the same level as building a spreadsheet and are very confident on a path to simplify it to anybody capable of carrying on a conversation. Our platform allows non-developers to create complex AI applications. After over 2,000,000 hours of testing, and use-data from over 500,000 people, we’re very much on the front lines of seeing how companies, organizations and individuals are finding ways to access and create AI. We want to be a part of the DAIA community to further people’s access to AI and continue to democratize AI to make it more accessible.”

Regarding trends he sees with decentralizing AI, he continues:

“Through evolution, conversation has become the most ubiquitous and effective tool humans have for exchanging information. By democratizing two of today’s most transformative innovations — digital communications and machine learning — we’re accelerating society to the inevitable moment wherein humans can interface with any system, the way that we innately do with each other. In today’s world, interfacing with machines requires us adapting to how they communicate. The moment we’re fostering will be characterized by machines adapting to how we communicate, interfacing with us and each other conversationally. As we approach this moment, there will be winners and losers. Everything changes in the moment when others realize what is possible today, and how easy it already is for anyone to create automated conversations. Just as was the case with designing and building website, democratizing the ability to create complex AI and conversational applications is the next generation of society’s progress toward AI adoption. The AI industry is slowly pushing towards more democratization, allowing more people of varying technical abilities to build incredible experiences and solutions. In the past, building these solutions was limited to very experienced coders, and the democratization of AI increases the diversity of people able to work with and create AI. It is obvious that AI is in high demand, but in most of the technology landscape, it requires scarcely available skills. We believe the best way to harness the power of AI is to make it available to everyone.”

How can you get involved?

Our vision is to foster a world where AI technologies and associated data are made open with decentralized, democratic control for the benefit of all sentient beings.

The immense potential of AI means that it can either increase the inequalities of our societies or liberate us from numerous sufferings. We believe the best way forward is to come together and work practically toward creating a better future. We see a massive potential for evolution in the established centralized corporations. We believe tech giants can contribute immensely toward making the DAIA’s vision a reality.

We are welcoming the participation of those corporations that are sincere about their aim and goal of democratizing AI. The open access networks that have come together to form DAIA, such as Perth IoT, metaMe and OneReach.ai are the enabling such a democratization process.

To learn more about us and inquire for memberships, please contact us at team@daia.foundation.

