DAIA Welcomes New Partners: Quijanza, Inpher and Cortex

Published in
5 min readMar 15, 2019

“There is a saying that if you get something for free, you should know that you’re the product. […]. You get free social-media services, you get free funny cat videos and in exchange, you give up the most valuable asset you have, which is your personal data.” — Yuval Noah Harari

DAIA is growing each day and in this ecosystem of ecosystems, we welcome the participation of those that are sincere about their aim and goal of democratizing AI. We are motivated by the belief that the decentralization of AI is important for the future of humanity and sentient life on the whole.

This week we are proud to announce our partnership with Quijanza, Inpher and Cortex, sharing with us the premise that making AI decentralized and democratic is essential to give people power and control over their own data.


Quijanza provides tailor-made software solutions that leverage, monetize and market data for businesses. Their intention is to use Machine Learning / AI methods, open-source them over time and provide solutions to customers via Blockchain tech.

Quijanza uses machine learning methods to improve remote sensing device (devices for which signals must be processed and interpreted) measurements. They intend to use Blockchain to sell data via smart contracts, zk layers, and data provenance validation and verification. They are eagerly anticipating the SingularityNET main net to source machine learning algorithms for novel use cases specific to their clients’ interests.

Quijanza’s co-founder is Matthew Mahaffey and he shared some thoughts on what they can contribute to DAIA and trends he sees in the AI/ Decentralized world:

“Quijanza is not developing a decentralized platform but rather intends to use decentralized AI platforms in its business model. Our team has experience in the blockchain space,it’s opportunities, and has now pivoted to being a consumer of blockchain-based products and services. As such, we feel we can represent industry application of the various decentralized AI and blockchain-based services on offer. Quijanza staff have been outspoken advocates for the development and adoption of a decentralized AI data standard. By adopting a data standard, current projects and newcomers alike can seamlessly integrate with other projects. It is imperative to be unified and data standardization affords that.”

He continues:

“The message of decentralized AI resonates with people. AI is often a polarizing topic and there is a certain level of skepticism and fear concerning centralized ownership of powerful AI. We think DAIA will be galvanizing the global community such that it provides a low barrier to entry into the development of AI. It is inconceivable that will lose out to few a centralized entity, with finite talent.”


Inpher is Secret ComputingTM company comprised of a veteran team of entrepreneurs, cryptographers & software engineers that believe privacy and security are foundational to the future of computing. Inpher’s XOR Secret ComputingTM Engine enables secure evaluation of functions across multiple private data sources, cryptographically guaranteeing that no information is shared between data sources and that analysts conducting computations only see outputs of the function, without revealing private inputs.

Valuable data is often difficult or impossible access due to a range of compliance, privacy, cross border, and other necessary restrictions. Inpher enables organizations to compliantly and permissibly use more data, while maintaining each dataset’s necessary privacy and usability restrictions. Inpher continues to break new ground in the privacy & utility space and differentiates through delivery of High-Precision Privacy-Preserving Real-Valued Functions, along with a range of successful Secret Computing implementations across industries and regions.

Private computations: bigger, better, faster.


Cortex’s main mission is to provide the state-of-the-art machine-learning models on the blockchain. Their goal is to implement a machine-learning platform that allows users to post tasks on the platform and submit AI Decentralized Applications.

Cortex brings AI to Smart Contracts allowing users to write machine-learning programs on the blockchain and submit interactions that are dependent upon other contracts. They also have their own Virtual Machine, the Cortex Virtual Machine (CVM)

Oscar Wei is responsible for Global Operations and Business Development at Cortex, in his own words:

“We at Cortex aim to integrate AI into smart contracts to allow AI functionalities to create truly intelligent smart contracts and enhanced DApps with more diverse use cases. We share the same vision of decentralizing AI. We believe in democracatic AI research as AI research tends to concentrate power and money. Many projects, like Cortex are working in different ways to make it happen.”

He also shared with us some trends they see in the AI / Decentralized world:

“As more people get to know about AI and get their hands on big data, there will be more and more unique and amazing AI models that will one day shift the technology industry. As for blockchain, it is still a very young technology which requires dedication and time to grow and find its worth.”

How can you get involved?

Our vision is to foster a world where AI technologies and associated data are made open with decentralized, democratic control for the benefit of all sentient beings.

The immense potential of AI means that it can either increase the inequalities of our societies or liberate us from numerous sufferings. We believe the best way forward is to come together and work practically toward creating a better future. We see a massive potential for evolution in the established centralized corporations. We believe tech giants can contribute immensely toward making the vision of DAIA a reality.

We are welcoming the participation of those corporations that are sincere about their aim and goal of democratizing AI. The open access networks that have come together to form DAIA, such as Quijanza, Inpher and Cortex are the enabling layer for such a democratization process.

To learn more about us and inquire for memberships, please contact us at team@daia.foundation.

