DAIA Welcomes New Partners: Risepic, Migranet and BadVR

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7 min readMar 26, 2019

This week we are proud to welcome to our ecosystem, Risepic, Migranet and BadVR. Sharing with DAIA an essential premise in the mission to democratize AI, these three organizations are harnessing the power of AI and Blockchain to reduce barriers for different learning experiences, immigration and data analysis.


As a decentralized ecosystem for lifelong learners, Risepic aims to help people use their micro-skills from different kinds of learning experiences. At the same time, they assist companies to be automatically matched with passionate people for tasks outsourcing and even jobs recruiting.

Risepic is an action-based, decentralized, self-governed dataset for knowledge and expertise based on the AION Network. It solves issues related to certification and validity of learning, mentorship and incentives. Users are empowered by a decentralized proof of potential to track quality and depth level of contents without trusting entities.

For Alessandro Toschi, CEO of Risepic, the partnership with DAIA it’s exciting and challenging:

We’re excited about DAIA, first of all, to accelerate the development and the adoption of Decentralized AI protocols both in ethic and in technology. We firmly believe the most crucial technological milestone to achieve that in this decade is the Decentralization of AI algorithms and the propagation of validated and Decentralized Data. With decentralization and validated datasets provided by decentralized scripts, the AI algorithms will become more trustworthy than ever before both in results quality and trustless terms.

The real challenge is to build, together, the industry standards for an interoperable internet of Decentralized AI algorithms. This mission of DAIA is critical to push as fast as we can a decentralized and community-driven AI ecosystem, building tools and economic incentives for developers to prefer coding and to build the future in this way.”

In terms of what trends he sees in the AI / Decentralized world, he continues:

First of all, we’re trying to understand how smart contract technology with a public script can help AI algorithms to understand what pieces of information to trust , read the code and the request. These features are currently unachievable if you want to train AI algorithms with public data in the centralized internet.

Secondly, we’re building Risepic on top of AION, to achieve an interoperable architecture as soon as possible. cWe believe that interoperability will be the next step in blockchain especially to split Dapps between more technologies solving scalability by splitting transactions, rather than second layers, state channels or less secure consensus algorithms.

The last trend that excited us is the concept of Decentralized AI, in terms of distributed computational power especially to run algorithms publicly that works like smart contracts. In Risepic, we have scheduled to use SingularityNET for Proof Of Potential algorithms, the core and the most exciting feature of the project.”


Believing that everyone has the right to choose which part of the World to call home, Migranet aims to simplify migration. Powered by AI and blockchain technologies their platform assesses eligibility and provides a free recommendation for immigration.

As the world’s first AI blockchain migration platform, Migranet automates the processing of migration applications and also assist refugees with skills assessments so they can be integrated into a host country. All that is provided with transparency, accuracy, and accountability with 90% less cost than traditional migration consultants.

With AI assessment to verify credentials, rank and recommend host countries for immigration, MIGRANET used Blockchain to built-in smart contracts and provide protection to migrants from frauds and trickeries. Their biometric ID service ensures safety for refugees while keeping their original identity private and their cryptographic utility token can be used for payments of services on the platform.

Murtaza Khan, Founder and Migration Specialist at Migranet shared with us some words in terms of motivation and contribution to join DAIA:

“Migranet is excited to partner with the DAIA family as our team aligns with its philosophy and believes in open access to all, striving for a shared ecosystem when it comes to AI and resources. We are in the process of launching our worldwide marketing campaign and we look forward to cross-pollinating marketing and spreading awareness around the globe.

Partnering with the DAIA family allows Migranet to align ourselves with like-minded companies and individuals, providing a community of shared ideas and technologies — increasing productivity for all. Our work over the next year will involve further development of our migration platform and network, as well as expanding on the newly developed AI system which grants free public access to on our platform.”

He continues:

“Migranet is most excited about the alignment of the AI and decentralized world with areas pertaining to medicine, SDG’s, and especially migration policies that are evolving to the point that the UN is favoring the use of blockchain technologies in its humanitarian efforts worldwide. This represents a huge step towards mass adoption and is something Migranet is very excited to be involved with. To help further these efforts we envision our technology, expertise, and revolutionary platform playing a role towards mass adoption and awareness. We believe migration should be a right to all, not a privilege to those that can afford it.”


Believing that future lies at the intersection of art, data, poetry and immersive tech, BadVR is a new data visualization startup building the next generation of analytics tools. Founded in 2018 by Suzanne Borders and Jad Meouchy, their mission is to empower people to understand the world around them.

By using Virtual Reality and machine learning, BadVR allows access to data in a 3D world, allowing people and organizations to perceive up to 100 times more information than traditional spreadsheets, files, and flat reports. They provide a widely accessible solution to data for several sectors such as telecommunications, financial services and smart cities and utilities to discover the hidden value in their data.

Suzanne Borders is the CEO and Co-Founder of BadVR, she shared with us why she is excited to join DAIA and also how they can contribute:

“We are excited to join DAIA as BadVR is deeply committed to building a better future, together. We see the potential with DAIA to help ensure that the important technologies of the future remain open, transparent, and accessible to everyone.

We at BadVR can contribute a great wealth of knowledge in and around data visualization and analysis, while advocating for such data and processes to remain as open and collaborative as possible. BadVR also contributes our mission: to democratize insight. We look forward to building a future in which no one is denied access to important datasets or the tools used to understand them.”

In what comes to the work that she sees and wants to do with DAIA she adds:

“BadVR is very focused on our mission to democratize insight. The world’s data is currently accessible only to a select group of highly trained data scientists and analysts, who oftentimes share the same backgrounds and world views. We feel this is detrimental to society and aim to remove the large barriers to access that currently prevent average people from accessing, analyzing, and understanding their data and the data generated by the world around them. We believe deeply in the value of diversity and are committed to unlocking the potential of world’s data by empowering everyone — regardless of technical training or background — to discover meaning, insight, and truth.

In DAIA, we see a collective of likeminded people who also believe in the power of coming together as a diverse collective to solve some of the world’s biggest challenges. BadVR looks forward to lending our expertise in data and data analytics towards helping empower everyone to build a more fair and equitable future.”

How can you get involved?

Our vision is to foster a world where AI technologies and associated data are made open with decentralized, democratic control for the benefit of all sentient beings.

The immense potential of AI means that it can either increase the inequalities of our societies or liberate us from numerous sufferings. We believe the best way forward is to come together and work practically toward creating a better future. We see a massive potential for evolution in the established centralized corporations. We believe tech giants can contribute immensely toward making the vision of DAIA a reality.

We are welcoming the participation of those corporations that are sincere about their aim and goal of democratizing AI. The open access networks that have come together to form DAIA, such as Risepic, Migranet and BadVR are the enabling layer for such a democratization process.

To learn more about us and inquire for memberships, please contact us at team@daia.foundation.

