Newsletter #1, March 2019

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8 min readMar 8, 2019


Your personal assistant in Cryptocurrencies evolved! With significant improvements in performance and interface, Daneel v1.3 is ready to use. Check it out what is new:

Newsfeed: The articles are now classified by relevance and you are able to customize your newsfeed based on your favorite crypto.

Insights: A donut graph that shows the distribution between positive, negative and neutral news. A second graph features a volume of data analyzed in tranches with a plus of the biggest losers and winners.

Crypto market watch: The cryptos are now clickable giving access to a project description and the latest news.

Push notifications: it is now possible to customize alerts and notifications in the premium version. Different categories are available such as hot news, crypto notifications, ICO/STO alerts, fake news detection, regulation topic, banks and finally hacks and SCAM alerts.

Together with its latest version, Daneel also announces the release of its web pro version and the launch of the FIAT subscription system. Their website was also repaginated, including now a newsfeed and some analyses to whet the appetite of their future users.

Download Daneel for iOS or Android.

SingularityNet marketplace Beta platform is officially launched to the public!

The launch of the beta platform on the Ethereum blockchain symbolizes the end of the first step of the roadmap planned by the SingularityNet team.

Born from a collective will to distribute the power of AI through the Blockchain, SingularityNET lets anyone create, share, and monetize AI services at scale, but also allows these algorithms to interact, hence making them much more useful as a whole.

Among the services that can be marketed on the platform are the acquisition and processing of health data, the creation of intelligent chat-boxes and the definition of software for advanced robotics and android.

Sophia, the world’s most expressive robot, is one of the first use cases of the platform. Her mind uses multiple AI modules to see, hear, or respond empathetically, and many of these underlying AI modules will be available open-source on SingularityNET.


Thanks to the cooperation with Trimark Technologies, DAIA has successfully open an account in China’s app for everything.

C’mon and join us on WeChat!

In his last article, Frederik Bussler, CEO at bit grit shared some approaches of how to speed up a go-to-market strategy in democratic AI!

For them, a go to market strategy should be:

1. Centered around a more market-feasible motto of “democratic AI”
2. Conciliated with IBM Cloud for the computer layer and;
3. Use datasaas data lineage, provenance, governance and monetization layer for all things data-assets.

Believing that the combination of those three major changes can lead to a faster and successful launch of a democratic AI product he states:

“Even though working in the decentralized AI space makes it seem like you have to be the first in many areas, you’ll be standing on the shoulders of giants who brought you so far. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel in any area of the tech stack, and collaboration with others in the DAI space will help even further.”

OSA Decentralized Responsible AI Manifesto calls developers, science teams, food manufacturers, and retail businesses to pursue an approach of Responsible AI Principles. It is a pledge to use AI solutions for generating new methods of smart consumption and create a decentralized product rating system.

Artificial Intelligence technologies can optimize the supply chain and retail business processes, while significantly reducing product waste. Yet, most of the current AI solutions aim to increase retailer revenue by providing prescriptive analytics. This essentially tells retailers how to sell more products and generate higher profits, with no consideration to consumers’ health or product waste”.

To join this important campaign, read the full manifesto here: Responsible AI Manifesto

REDOXER is a non-prescription, wellness device targeting the prevention of heart attack and stroke, the most common ischemic injuries in the world.

The application is one of the many Blockchain projects of Trimark Technologies, one of the first’s partners of DAIA. But what Blockchain is doing in a wellness device? To avoid the overdose of remote ischemic preconditioning, blockchain has been integrated to maintain security and safety for the users.

Redoxer will be soon available for Android and IOS but you can already access the prototype and the testing app here:

On February 28th, Matrix AI Network launched its AI-powered hybrid public blockchain with enhanced speeds of over 5,000 TPS, security, functionality, and interoperability. Innovations include their on-chain AI server, and the Matrix green mining AI accelerator that integrates with the blockchain consensus, while processing deep neural networks algorithms. The platform also supports auto-coding smart contracts to create executable code from natural language inputs, while ensuring security by running formal verification and providing structured templates from approved contract libraries.

Matrix AI Network provides a high performance hybrid computing platform for end-to-end management of the data supply chain with a front end blockchain browers, Dapps and developer tools, cost effective computer for AI tasks, cloud and distributed storage integration through IPFS, payment module, and secure gateways connecting to permissioned and legacy systems.

As promised, the Kambria Foundation has purchased over $50K worth in KAT from the market to be distributed to hackathon participants!

The Kambria Global Grand Challenge 2019 is a series of hackathons in several different countries with a focus on creating the Ultimate Personal Assistant using advanced Artificial Intelligence and Robotics technology. Utilizing the Kambria platform, developers will collaborate to deliver solutions for our partners including top corporations in Vietnam such as SSI, VPBank, and VTV, with a chance to win up to $50,000 USD in prizes.

Read more about the Grand Challenge here.

The power of decentralization is upon us and the use of Artificial intelligence is very profound.

An experiment shared on Twitter by the hardware and software creator Rodolfo Novak proves the possibility of sending Bitcoin (BTC) through high-frequency radio.

A few weeks ago, Rodolfo sent bicoin via high-frequency using an application called JS8Call. The transaction was sent from Toronto, Canada to Michigan, United States and what made this even sweeter was that it was sent through a snowstorm. This is a huge opportunity to experiment Radio Frequency with Machine Learning.

The experimentation possible can be leveraged for Feature Learning, Waveform Synthesis, and more. In light of this recent experiment, there is a huge opportunity to build a use case for micropayments using radio wireless technology and AI to automate sending and receiving cryptocurrency. While it would take time to validate use cases and build bridges for AI to communicate value through NLP(Natural Language Processing), it does provide insights on how remarkable this current era of digital transformation is. I urge you all to consider how we can connect the dots with this discovery and what would be a valuable way to demonstrate AI in this capacity as well.

Text by Joshua Armah

DAIA will be in Hong Kong for Token2049 event. Let’s meet for dinner!

Organized by Trimark Technologies in Xi’an, Influence 2030 aims to bring the SDGs back on track and change the world.

Quijanza, Cortex Labs, Risepic and Inpher just joined DAIA. More about them soon on our blog!

