Newsletter #4, June 2019

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8 min readJun 11, 2019


Struggling with cellular dead zones? How about inexplicably slow wifi signal in certain parts of your home? Struggle no longer — SeeSignal has arrived!

BadVR announced the first public showcase of ‘SeeSignal,’ an AR app for visualizing Wi-Fi®, cellular, and Bluetooth® signals. This new tool powers them discovery, planning, and improvement of next-generation wireless systems within homes and offices.

In the words of Suzanne Borders, CEO and Co-Founder of BadVR:

“SeeSignal an augmented reality application we built in partnership with Magic Leap. Traditionally, charts and graphs have been used to visualize and analyze data. Instead, we imagine a future in which data is worked with in immersive data environments. SeeSignal uses BadVR’s networking environment, which displays any and all information related to some network, such as a digital, or social network. With our headset you can view the digital signal data around you. This means you can see your cellular network, your WIFI network, and your Bluetooth network multidimensionally, whereas you can only currently view these data in the 2D format of heat maps. Our technology will be incredibly beneficial to telecommunications companies as they plan out their 5G network deployments.

I am very excited to announce that the SeeSignal application will be available on IOS devices in the Magic Leap World store in the beginning of July. We also anticipate releasing our full platform including all our different environments later next year. In the meanwhile, SeeSignal will give everyone a taste of what is coming.”

Exciting news!
Raven Protocol (RAVEN) will be listed on Binance DEX on 17th June 2019. The RAVEN/BNB pair will open for trading at 09:00 AM (UTC).

For more details from their listing proposal check here

Project Asset Page:

Join the Raven Protocol community!

On 3–8 June in Moscow, Russian Federation, OSA performed as a top key note speaker in Russian Retail Week. CEO OSA Alex Isaev presented in front of 450 retail industry leaders key note speech, that highlighted trends in retail industry, and reported on the results of joined projects with 6 Russian retailers. Special attention was given to the blockchain side of OSA technology, with many questions coming up from the audience on how OSA is using protocols for data storage and exchange. New product- result of joined efforts of OSA product team and Retail Marketing agency from Dentsu group was presented. The product is unique and innovative solution which enables personal digital marketing based on offline retail data and which performs in real time. This is one of key steps to create OSA Decentralized ecosystem to engage solution providers into token economy in the future.

City officials have launched a free mobile app called Consensus. It allows them to gather input from residents on various issues, such as whether the city should invest in more bike lanes or build more affordable housing.

The city posts questions via the app, and feedback from residents is gathered and used to give City Council members a window into the community’s thinking.

“I think its real value will be some of those initial ‘yes’ and ‘no’ questions — easily answered in ten seconds and you have weighed in,” South Burlington City Council Chair Helen Riehle said. “(It) can then generate the information that is crucial to a lot of our committees and commissions.”

Consensus is also the name of the Canadian company behind the app, which uses blockchain technology to keep personal information secure. Last year, South Burlington became the first U.S. city to allow people to use blockchain technology to create and file land records and other public documents.

Original PR from myChamplainValley

Off the back of their recent successes winning at Malta blockchain summit and Money 2020 in Amsterdam, Pynk is officially launching a thought leadership event series named Pynk Tank.

Pynk Tank Live is a London meet up co-hosted by Jason Allan Scott and Pynk CEO Seth Ward — with the objective of hearing from thought leaders who will challenge the status quo when it comes to investment opportunities, startups and disruptive business models.

The first show in June 13 2019 will be on the theme of ‘social good’. Guests include:

- Morgan Boardman, Chairman of Strategic Advisory Board for Thrive
- Dr Natalie Pankova, COO Metaadvice
- Duncan Murray, CEO of Dust Aid
- Areiel Wolanow, Managing Director at Finserv Experts

Each event has a live crowd, with Pynksters tuning into the livestream event globally. In doing so, we’re building Pynk Tank as the world’s biggest retail investment community.

If you hurry there is still time to so sign up!

Last partners to have joined us in our mission to democratize AI are MetaMe and Perth IoT!

“Our mission at metaMe is to empower people to use their data to gain sovereignty, freedom and improve their lives. We approach this by developing a new class of intelligent programmable information asset, which we call a metaPod, that can be owned, shared and traded in similar ways to crypto tokens and currencies. Our view is that DLTs enable us to exchange money as easily as we do information but our goal at metaMe is to use DLTs to enable us to exchange information as securely as we do money. We believe that by providing people with a safe home for their data and a safe way with which to share it we will establish the foundations for individualized, decentralized and self-sovereign AIs to emerge at the edge dedicated to their citizen owner’s needs as opposed to the needs of authorities and companies. We believe this can usher in a new era of productivity, progress and harmony. It is evident to us that the DAIA will be an important partner to us in realizing this vision.”Dele Atanda, Founder.

“Perth IoT host an open decentralized and free-to-use network for streaming machine data from physical devices. We have an active community of motivated volunteers who have demonstrated that building Internet of Things talent, platform capability and smart solutions starts with three things:

  1. Helping and sharing with each other openly to experiment, learn, demonstrate and internet of things.
  2. Self-organizing around positive goals for social and environmental outcomes before economic outcomes.
  3. Including the entire community including citizens, academia, industry and government in an open decentralized manner.” Tom Zorde, Founder.

More details about Metame and Perth IoT soon here on our blog!

Bicameral Ventures, a venture capital technology fund focused on “Interconnected Investing” announced on may 22 a suite of highly complementary investments aimed at continuing to grow its model.

The combined investment of $1 million in metaMe, Nodesmith, and Velocia brings Bicameral’s portfolio to 7 projects that are working at different layers of the technology stack to build better user experiences leveraging blockchain.

With the investments, Bicameral can support independently strong solution providers who are solving very different pain points, but doing so in a highly complementary manner.

Nodesmith — a tooling and middleware company aimed at providing enterprise-grade uptime and reliability to developers building higher up the stack.

metaMe — a data transmission protocol providing self-sovereignty and liquidity to data trapped within popular Web 2.0 platforms.

Velocia — an open mobility rewards platform that is currently working with Miami-Dade County to change commuter behavior and solve traffic flow issues.

Original PR from CryptoNinjas.

The AI LA Community is hosting its second annual symposium to explore the ethical landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) and what we can do as individuals. They will have a well-rounded expert panel including a professor of applied ethics, a policymaker, a researcher, and a product practitioner.

Both theoretical and practical grounds, and survey today’s ethical landscape will be covered.
Following the panel, they will be facilitating a 45 minute workshop grounded on Moral Foundations Theory, meant to actively engage you and help you recognize your own ethical biases and perspectives.

The workshop will be facilitated by Jenny Liang, Design Strategist and Lecturer at Otis School of Design.

6:30 PM — Networking with food and libations
7:10 PM — Introduction to the event by AI LA Founder, Todd Terrazas
7:15 PM — XPRIZE Ethics Presentation
7:20 PM — Panel
8:20 PM — Q&A
8:50 PM — Workshop
9:30 PM — 10:30 pm — Networking

In May, SingularityNet announced its plan to create the SingularityNET Supervisory Council.

On the 12th of June, their community members will vote and select three individuals from the nominees to be elected as Council members.

For the ease of the community, a tutorial video of the voting process and UI will be provided in advance. For more information on the SingularityNET Supervisory Council and the voting process, please visit their community forum.

For more details about the Nominees check the SingularityNet medium.

Who’s afraid of a big, bad new coin from Facebook? Crypto pioneer BEN GOERTZEL dives in for a closer look.

Read the full article published on aNewDomain.

EventHorizon Summit 2019
Date: June 19–20, 2019.
Location: Kraftwerk, Berlin.
Keynote Speakers: Mate Rimac, David Martin, Maria McKavanagh, Jo-Jo Hubbard, Ana Trbovich, Ed Hesse, Marzia Zafar, Christoph Frei and more!

Romania Blockchain Summit
Date: June 21–22, 2019.
Location: Palace of Parliament, Bucharest, Romania.
Keynote Speakers: Tim Draper, Fabio Canesin, Boby Lee, Mihai Alisie, Dave Pulis, Pascal B. van Knijff and more!

World Blockchain Forum — Singapore & World Blockchain Award
Date: June 22–23, 2019.
Location: Marina Bay Sands Hotel, Singapore.
Keynote Speakers: Samson Mow, Paul Brody, Du Jun, Tom Menner, Franklyn Richards, Kevin Xu and more!

Blockchain Summit
Date: June 26–27, 2019.
Location: Olympia West, London
Keynote Speakers: Bob Crozier, Amit Varma, May Winifield, Marjan Delatinne and more!

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