Strengthening AI Security

Building Trust and Collaboration for Safer AI

Kevin Sallee
Daily AI news


Conversations at mWISE 2024

Security in the realm of artificial intelligence is a topic that gets everyone murmuring, especially with powerful tools like large language models (LLMs) making grand entrances. From my experience dabbling in code — securing systems is tough yet exciting. I chat with peers about making sure we’re not just building clever systems, but also safe ones.

Gearing Up for AI’s Challenges

Artificial intelligence isn’t just another buzzword. It’s reshaping how businesses operate. However, with great power comes the likelihood of someone trying to poke in where they shouldn’t. Large language models, while impressive, can open doors to a heap of troubles if not monitored right. As a developer, I know firsthand the importance of integrating security measures right from the beginning. As Steph Hay, from Google Cloud Security, emphasizes, there must be constant checks at every stage of AI development. This isn’t just about avoiding chaos, but preempting it and ensuring secure input and output channels. Focusing on fine-tuning these controls isn’t just necessary — it’s essential.

Collaborative Efforts for a Secured Future



Kevin Sallee
Daily AI news

15+ years Software Engineer in Media&Entertainment. Daily AI news with pragmatic insights. Join me in navigating the AI revolution! #AINews #TechTrends