The riches, wisdom and knowledge of God

Daily Bible Journal
Daily Bible Journal
1 min readMar 27, 2018

A few moments of reflection on the riches, wisdom and knowledge of our great God should make us marvel in a Grand Canyon kind of awe.

There are no greater riches to be found than in our Creator God, from whom and by whom and through whom all things are made.

Amazon, Apple, Google and Facebook combined can’t hold a candle to the riches of God.

Likewise, the world’s greatest human intellects aren’t wise enough to solve the problems of this world. Wisdom can only be found in God. For the Lord gives wisdom, and the Lord is wisdom.

And the knowledge of God cannot be grasped. For how can one grasp the knowledge of an omniscient all-powerful God who knows all things?

God knows more than all the information to be found on the furthest corners of the internet. He knows the hairs on your head and your very heart. God knows all.

Behold your God!

