Butterfly Wings

Lloyd Duhon
Daily Colors
Published in
1 min readOct 29, 2019


What a splash of red in your day might mean.

Butterfly Wings. Original photo by Lloyd Duhon.

Native Americans believed that red butterfly wings symbolized a powerful soul that was nearby. It is also said that when you see red in butterfly wings good news is on the way.

I took this photo just two weeks before I met my wife. Perhaps there is something to those legends, after all.

You know, it’s not always the length of the message that is important. Sometimes it is the color.

Tuesday is red for Daily Colors. This photo was taken in South Florida in April of 2017.



Lloyd Duhon
Daily Colors

Husband, Dad, Veteran, Mefloquine Survivor, Urban Farmer. DripDropz, Tokhun, Adosia Operations Team. https://lloydduhon.com/