Florentine Football

A special sport originating in 16th century Florence, still played today.

Lloyd Duhon
Daily Colors


Team Santa Maria Novella on parade. Original photo by Lloyd Duhon.

Florence is home to a terrifically violent sport that combines soccer, rugby, and wrestling. The Calcio Storico Fiorentino is a major spectacle in June in Florence. These “Calcio” (Italian for kick) have occurred since the 16th century. There are four neighborhoods that participate in the games, with semifinal and final matches occurring in front of the Santa Croce church.

They cover the stone pavements with dirt and bring in bleachers for fans to watch the games.

The final game is played on St. John the Baptist’s feast day. This sport is perfect for the rough and tumble saint.

We were walking through Florence when we came upon this parade. The red color indicates the Santa Maria Novella team.

I love being able to trace the stories behind the photos that were captured on our trip to Italy. The journey keeps giving back. If you have the opportunity to travel there, you will come away with a wealth of memories.

Tuesday is Red at Daily Colors. This photo was taken when Lloyd and Melannie were traveling through Florence.



Lloyd Duhon
Daily Colors

Husband, Dad, Veteran, Mefloquine Survivor, Urban Farmer. DripDropz, Tokhun, Adosia Operations Team. https://lloydduhon.com/