Orange Bottle Brush Tree

A colorful indicator of a healthy ecosystem.

Lloyd Duhon
Daily Colors


Original photo by Lloyd Duhon.

This orange bottle brush tree is located in Naples, Florida at the Botanical Gardens. The flowers are very unique to this species. The hair like flowers create a puff of color that can be either a brilliant red or the lovely orange you see here.

My first encounter with these trees were in the yard of a family friend. He purchased a few of the trees for his yard. After the first season, his trees looked healthy, but would not produce the flowers. The first year display was vibrant, a really awesome and colorful showing. We were both stumped. What could have gone wrong?

I took to the Internet brain to try and find a solution to the problem.

Was it fertilizer? Water? A disease? Dozens of potential problems and solutions swirled around in my head as I looked into the problem.

After an exhaustive search, I came to a rather interesting conclusion. Bottle brush will flower extensively in the presence of honey bees! My friend had a large plot, and he was surrounded by commercial properties. There were simply no bees nearby to help pollinate his plants.

With a little help from a local beekeeper, we were able to set up a small hive in his back yard. The beekeeper collects the honey from the hive and provides a jar of honey in exchange for keeping the bees. It was a win-win, and the honey was delicious!



Lloyd Duhon
Daily Colors

Husband, Dad, Veteran, Mefloquine Survivor, Urban Farmer. DripDropz, Tokhun, Adosia Operations Team.