Purple Pen Shell

A bit of Sanibel Island beach bling.

Lloyd Duhon
Daily Colors


Purple Pen Shell. Original photo by Lloyd Duhon.

Sanibel Island is famous for shells. You will find hundreds of different treasures every time you walk the beaches. Above is an abalone shell. The vivid purple and blue colors really stand out against the white sugar sand.

Shells aren’t the only thing you will find. You may run into coconut husks and mangrove saplings.

Coconut Husk with Sapling. Original photo by Lloyd Duhon.

Or other kinds of shells like this scallop shell. You will also find washed up remnants of seaweed and grasses.

Scallop and grasses. Original photo by Lloyd Duhon.

Every walk is a little different. I hope you enjoyed this collection.

Friday is Purple on Daily Colors. These photographs were taken when Lloyd and Melannie walked Sanibel Beach in October of 2019.



Lloyd Duhon
Daily Colors

Husband, Dad, Veteran, Mefloquine Survivor, Urban Farmer. DripDropz, Tokhun, Adosia Operations Team. https://lloydduhon.com/