The Grey Dragon of Espanya

An industrial park in Barcelona is home to a grey dragon.

Lloyd Duhon
Daily Colors


Original Photo by Lloyd Duhon.

Barcelona is home to an amazing amount of public art and architecture. As we were touring the city I took a moment to capture this terrifying piece.

This park was built in 1985 by architects Luis Peña Ganchegui, Francesc Rius I Camps, Antón Pagola and Monserrat Ruiz. The park follows a modernist architecture style, and it is located in an Industrial park covering 11 acres near the Barcelona-Santz railroad station.

The Dragon Statue “El Drágon” is made out of cast iron and weighs 150 tons.

I love unusual statues and displays. This one stands out for being especially fierce. What are some of your favorite displays?



Lloyd Duhon
Daily Colors

Husband, Dad, Veteran, Mefloquine Survivor, Urban Farmer. DripDropz, Tokhun, Adosia Operations Team.