Why I Write my Heart Out And Let Destiny Take Care of The Rest

Working With The Universe: Hit Publish: Stop Worrying

Deborah Christensen
Daily Connect
7 min readFeb 3, 2019


“Quit your complaining.

It’s not the world’s fault that you wanted to be an artist.

It’s not the world’s job to enjoy the films you make, and it’s certainly not the world’s obligation to pay for your dreams.

Nobody wants to hear it.

Steal a camera if you have to, but stop whining and get back to work.” ~ Werner Herzog

So, I have been writing on Medium for four months.

It has not only reinvigorated my desire to write but unexpectedly I find I am reading more short articles than I ever have before in my life.

  • I spend hours reading and absorbing posts, being inspired, moved to tears, and humbled by the talent and vulnerability of being human that is expressed and exposed in so many stories.

I have read in the last two days a couple of articles where people have spent quite a bit of time exposing and articulating why they feel Medium is

no longer serving them well

is ignoring their core base, and

by allowing big-name authors, publishing companies, major newspapers, and magazines access to posting articles

is diluting the ‘pie’ for the rest of us.

I do not feel qualified to argue with their logic. They feel very strongly that it is unfair, and it is their right to express their opinion. They have articulated their arguments more than adequately.

I suppose I do not get caught up in worrying about it, as I look upon writing and publishing a bit differently.

I write because I have a voice.

I am one voice of thousands, and amongst the billions of humans that live on this earth.

I believe one hundred percent that if we are writing from the heart, that the people who are meant to read what we write, will see it and read our post.

Every idea and every story that could ever be told HAS been told.

What hasn’t been told, is our version, our unique experience of that story.

That is why each of our collective contributions is so valuable.

There will be someone out there, who will read our little verse, or a story from our lived experience, or our fiction, and will be moved.

Intellectually or emotionally.

If someone is moved emotionally in my viewpoint, this is a gift of the spirit: a spiritual moment-heart to heart. We both benefited by one writing and then one reading, at the right time for each.

YOU as the writer may NEVER know about how you touched someone when they read what you wrote.

You don’t need to know.

You release your stories into the world, not knowing where they will land.

Your words could land like a single snowflake on the ground and melt, and no one will ever see, read or know about them. The benefit, therefore, was solely for YOU — no one else.

Conversely, your words may touch someone’s heart enough to lighten their mood, make their day, or make them feel less alone. What a gift this is that has been given.

You may never know about this.

Your words may be read and be the reason, or a reason amongst many, that is the catalyst for a major life change or decision that has long-lasting consequences.

Words can be that powerful. Words have power.

Or, if your article is a “How To” or of somewhat of a practical nature, then someone may read it and use it, and it is helpful in this regard. You also may not know.

They probably will not take the time to tell you, even though they benefited.

Not every piece of advice has to be acknowledged. But, your words and your writing is no less valuable.

You shared because you wanted to share. Because you are a writer.

You allow the words that float in your head and heart to come through you and go out.

You release them once you press ‘Publish.’ Where they go once that happens, you have no control over. But either way, you have benefited.

It was listening to a Ted talk whose speaker’s words both inspired and touched my heart, that changed my relationship with my written words.

It was indeed a life-changing moment in altering how I saw my relationship with both my painting and my writing.

Author Elizabeth Gilbert spoke about how in ancient Greek and Roman times creative people (artists) were seen as the conduits for an unseen creative spirit entity (which dwelled in the walls of their house) to take the words, inspiration, and ideas that were passed to them, and bring them to birth here on earth.

Artists who were revered or esteemed (of all types) were described not as being a “genius” but as “having a genius.”

In this way, there was no room for personal ego and no room for taking credit for whether or not your particular art “did well” as it was the unseen spirit entity that was seen as the source of inspiration. Either “they” did a good job working through you, or “they” did not.

It was the artist’s job to turn up and create, and then if there was an opportunity to “capture” a thought, inspiration or idea the “spirit” or “muse” could use that artist to bring it to birth.

Sometimes they managed to convey words, or paint, or sculpt in such a way that moved people, but THEY as the artist, were not revered as a genius but they were esteemed due to the fact, that they were seen as working on behalf of “a genius” (an unseen creative entity, that worked through them).

Author, Elizabeth Gilbert describes her work as a creative as “magical.” She said people might ridicule her for believing in “fairies,” but she believes it is as good a reason as any she has heard for describing the creative process and those moments where “flow” and “magic” occurs.

Most artists have times where they know that sometimes the works, creations or words that flow through them appear to be divine, or come from “other” than themselves.

She sometimes “asks” her muse, her unseen spirit guardian or angel “what do you want me to say today?” and sometimes that works, and sometimes it does not.

But, she no longer sees herself as being the ONE that has to be responsible and that it is HER that is the genius or the writer, or artist, or has all the talent. She is a conduit. She sometimes may be used, and mostly she is not, but it is her job to turn up and create, and then she is available for if she is chosen to be used.

Some may say this is arrogant.

Who are you to believe that you could be used, to convey something, or write something, or make something?

But who are we not to believe this?

It doesn’t matter if the platform we put out our words on (Medium, a website, a magazine, a newspaper, a book) is seen by millions or one, or none.

  • We do the work. We show up. We do our part.
  • If our muse wants to show up, then they will, and they can use us.
  • If we don’t sit down and make ourselves available, then they will go and find someone else they can use.
  • They won’t always choose to work with us every time we write.

Sometimes it is our own words and our inspiration. And that is okay. We don’t know when or how we may be chosen to bring something to birth or fruition.

Humility is key.

But looking at our creative endeavors this way takes all the pressure off us.

  • It doesn’t mean we don’t do the work, hustle and do pitches and put our work forward to as many places as possible.
  • It doesn’t mean we stop trying to be better writers, improve our grammar, and editing, and improve our core skill sets.
  • It also doesn’t make us think we are special.

We are of service, and we may or may not be used.

It takes the pressure off.

If we turn up, do the work, and open ourselves up to the creative energy and flow, and write with pure intent, then if our words find an audience, and who that audience is, how large it is, and what impact they will have — that is a collaboration. It is not all on us.

We do the work.

We write.

We do our best to get our words out there.

We let our words go.

Then the people who read them, if they are meant to find them, will see them.

It is not always up to us to know.

Just because we may not get on the front page with Medium, be invited to work with a top publishing company, be offered a book contract, or read by thousands, does not mean our words are not of value.

Our words may be read by a single mother at night, who has been up for hours with a crying baby, who is ready to throw in the towel, and be the reason she reaches out on the phone for help before she harms herself or her baby.

AND we may NEVER know.

Our words in this situation may have had more power than being read by thousands who may find our post “interesting” or “enjoyable” but not life-changing.

But we don’t know. And we don’t have to know.

Having this new relationship with writing means I committed to showing up and write regularly.

Some things I write I publish. Other things I write never will see the light of day.

But I write.

I know that all I have to do is write, and then release those words into the world.

They may impact none, one or many.

And it is all okay.



Deborah Christensen
Daily Connect

Artist, Poet, Writer, Loving all things meditation and energy