#439. Details, no matter how small, are important

Josiah Ross
Daily Cup of Jo
Published in
1 min readOct 13, 2017

There’s one tiny detail that has interested me since I’ve been introduced to it.

The English letter “o”and the number zero (0) look extremely similar. The letter “o” is more circular and the number zero is more of an oval. In some font styles the number zero has a line through the center like this:

It makes a situation that may or may not be confused into one that can’t be confused. It’s an extremely minute detail. But even the tiny details matter. The strike-through eliminates confusion. It’s not a necessary detail, but it’s good to have.

It teaches a lesson.

Even the tiny details matter.

Think of all the changes a decimal point can make. One decimal point changes $1.0( one dollar) to $10.( ten dollars). You may think these details are too small to matter, but they’re not. Please pay attention to the details.

They can be the difference between success and failure.

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