Why NFT ?

Everyone wants to know what NFT is? But have you ever questioned why NFT? Come, let’s explore what’s still to come!

Sagar Guldekar
Daily Design Stories
4 min readAug 14, 2022


Everydays First 5000, Nyan cat gif, Pascal Siakam Dunk (Jan 29 2021), Jack Dorsey’s First Tweet.

Did you get confused and curious, wondering why such a thing was required, when you read a news article about a digital image being turned into a token valued at so and so million dollars? Then you should go through this article, which will help you comprehend how important it will be for us in the future.

Not the absurdity of trying to understand the price of virtual content, but if you’re aware of recent innovations like the blockchain and the rise of cryptocurrencies in the past ten years, you realize that the internet as we know it is changing quickly.

From the Counterparty platform through the CyptoKitties blockchain game and to landmark sale of Beeple’s artwork, NFTs have only risen in profile and popularity.

I think 2017 was the pinnacle of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology development. At that time, buying bitcoin was almost impossible. This led to the development of various new cryptocurrencies, which in turn paved the way for other blockchain systems that could support a range of services including trade, business, and art, all of which were described as being part of a decentralized system.

But why was the development of such a system necessary?

Centralized vs Decentralized Internet.

As of the moment, the centralized system is controlled by social media behemoths and corporations that were early entrants in the race. This causes monopolies in some areas and too little opportunity for competitors, which slows innovation.

The incentive to the user is generally low compared to the advantages of the data they get since they own the data, which is used to test, trade, and prototype new features to increase their reach.

Knowing how data is processed and used, it is crucial to be careful about what we share online and to safeguard our possessions.

Which gets me to my next point: Ownership!

As photos become memes, movies become gifs, and stories become reels, it has never been easier to steal material. Thus, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) were created. I think there are more important questions to comprehend than just WHY, what are those?

What are NFTs?

NFTs are blockchain-based digital representations of cryptographic assets that have been compared to digital passports since each token has a distinct, non-transferable identity that distinguishes it apart from other tokens. They cannot be bought or swapped for equivalent amounts like cryptocurrencies can. Real-world things like music, art, video games, and in-game products are represented by NFTs.

Difference between Fungible and Non- Fungible Token.

What are some examples of NFT?

Non-fungible tokens may be used to digitally represent any asset, including actual assets like real estate as well as online-only assets like digital art. Additionally, in-game objects like avatars, digital and analogue collectibles, domain names, and event tickets are examples of assets that NFTs can represent. NFTs are often one of a kind or come in a very small quantity.

Types of Non- Fungible Tokens.

Why are Non-Fungible tokens important?

A development of the relatively straightforward idea of cryptocurrencies is non-fungible tokens. NFTs advance the reinvention of this infrastructure by enabling digital representations of physical assets. Market efficiency is arguably the most evident advantage of NFTs. A physical asset being transformed into a digital one simplifies procedures and gets rid of middlemen.

How can I buy NFTs?

Owning some of this cryptocurrency and keeping part of it in a digital wallet is typically the first step because many NFTs can only be bought using ether. Following that, you may buy NFTs from any of the online NFT marketplaces, such as OpenSea, Rarible, and SuperRare.

NFT Ecosystem.

Are NFTs Safe?

Non-Fungible Tokens, which operate on the same blockchain as cryptocurrencies, are often safe. NFTs are challenging to hack due to the distributed nature of blockchains, yet they are not impossible. If the platform hosting the NFT goes out of business, you might lose access to your non-fungible token, which poses a security issue for NFTs.

Understanding the idea and reasoning of NFT is important because it will help you better comprehend how the blockchain will alter the way that things are recorded in the future.

“Think of a day when there won’t be any disputes over homes or other properties. There wouldn’t be any argument about who is the rightful owner of a contract or if your degree is genuine or a forgery, or whether you actually attended this college. Everything will disappear because technology now offers a means of defining ownership indefinably.”

