Fight For Justice

November 7th

Josh Schultz
Daily Devotional
2 min readNov 8, 2017


“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

We all have a desire deep inside to be respected and loved. We want to be successful. Most of us also believe that to accomplish this, being a “good” person is part of it.

But what does it mean to be a “good” person?

To be nice? Loving?

These words are what my English teacher used to call junk words. Words that are general and vague, used out of laziness to cover a multiple of circumstances. The problem with the words is that as we use them more frequently, we actually lose personal definition and meaning within our own internal dialogue.

We want to to be good people, but what does that mean. We need to drill down on this word. For example, Let’s drill down on nice.

  1. Nice
  2. Good-natured towards others
  3. Compassionate towards others
  4. To sacrificially put others above ourselves
  5. To listen intently, respond lovingly, serve passionately, and put others interests and concerns above our own agendas and concerns.

I believe the above verse helps us understand what it is to be good.

The world is full of injustice, situations that aren’t beneficial and aren’t fair. These situations come at us from from every direction during the day. From the man you pass begging for change to the Twitter rant about terrorism 1000’s of miles away. Due to the increased frequency (and vitality) of negative news, we have become cold and desensitized to it.

However, there are injustices, and there are real people walking through them all around you everyday. To be a good person is to be aware of this, to purposefully notice it. To look for it. And to right those within your power, and fight for those which are not.

The single mother,

the son without a father,

the broken man who lost hope, or

the family who has lost everything.

We can help, we can fight, we can serve.


Look around today. Become aware of those who are walking through a tough time, who don’t experience a whole life. For you, it is a passing moment, for them it is their entire and only reality.

Is there something around you that you can fix? That you can fight for?

Let’s Meet!!

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Today’s Inspiration Pulled From:



Josh Schultz
Daily Devotional

Talk about SMB Ops, Systems Approach, Nocode & Automation. Built & Sold 3 Traditional Businesses.