How To Succeed

November 10th

Josh Schultz
Daily Devotional
2 min readNov 11, 2017


“That day the Lord exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they stood in awe of him all the days of his life, just as they had stood in awe of Moses.”

How does a man truly make it? How does he rise above the daily struggle, to being respected.

Moses did it.

Joshua did it.

And so did many other men and women in God’s word.

Looking at the previous chapters, you’ll see no thinking, strategizing, or deep study. You will see only two things

  1. A listening heart
  2. An obedient heart

From this simple posture, these men rose to the highest positions of leadership. Beyond that, they achieved something even most leaders never achieve, the people were in awe of them.

Think Washington, Mandela, Franklin, or even Napoleon. The few leaders who ruled, but also garnered respect and awe as they lead with compassion and courage.

The intuitive ways that we pursue things will not give you what only God can. It is both easy and difficult to move into that place of leadership and respect that we all desire. It is listening and doing, listening and doing. Joshua listened and repeated what he heard over and over. This was the secret to conquering new lands, growing an empire from scratch, and being respected by everyone who knew him.

God has an amazing journey for you. But there will be difficulties, just read Joshua chapter one! The only way to get there is to let God do the work. It was God who executed, it was Joshua who listened and obeyed.


Looking at others and their path to whatever is useless. You have your own path to walk. The best way to walk it, with the least amount of unnecessary detours and risk of not reaching full potential is to listen and obey.

When Christ left, he gave us his Holy Spirit! A guide that will daily lead you in decisions, situations, and problems. You have someone with all the answers and supernatural abilities who wants nothing more than to see you reach full potential… All you must do is listen.

Start taking time each day to listen. Talk to him about your day, your desires, your concerns. Instead of adding God to your day, build your day around God. Humble yourself to only listen and obey,take yourself out of the strategizing & control aspect, and he will lift you up when the time is right.

Let’s Meet!!

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Today’s inspiration was pulled from



Josh Schultz
Daily Devotional

Talk about SMB Ops, Systems Approach, Nocode & Automation. Built & Sold 3 Traditional Businesses.