Judgement or Opportunity

November 11th

Josh Schultz
Daily Devotional
2 min readNov 12, 2017


““Why are you so angry?” the Lord asked Cain. “Why do you look so dejected? You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. But you must subdue it and be its master.””

‭Our nature is to focus on the past. We tend to fixate on situations that were less than ideal. Some may regret not making a different decisions, while others will continually feel guilt for the way they may have acted in the moment. In fact fear, guilt, and regret all come from focusing on what has already been done.

Cain had just failed. Yet in that state of failure, God’s focus was on next time. His wasn’t paralyzed by what had been done, but simply saw it as an opportunity for next time.

In God’s reply to Cain there is a hint of a deep principle:

When we focus on what we did wrong, it will lead us to greater wrongs;

When we focus on what could be improved, we will improve.

We must master the mindset that wants to sit in our mistakes. But this spirals into greater mistakes. Instead, we need to look at what happened, and make improvements. Cain gave unacceptable sacrifice to God. Instead of cutting him off, God simply said next time do this and it will be good.

What inherent forgiveness and love in His voice.


What moments or problems are you fixating on? Do you have issues you can’t seem to shake no matter how hard you try? Perhaps it is because you are trying so hard to shake them, that you can’t.

Maintain a spirit of learning and improving.

Look at the people around you, and the situations you encounter as opportunities to become better, not as judgments on your actions.

Let’s Meet!!

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Today’s inspiration was pulled from



Josh Schultz
Daily Devotional

Talk about SMB Ops, Systems Approach, Nocode & Automation. Built & Sold 3 Traditional Businesses.