The Ultimate Inheritance

November 22nd

Josh Schultz
Daily Devotional
3 min readNov 22, 2017


‭ “But to the tribe of Levi he gave no inheritance, since the food offerings presented to the Lord, the God of Israel, are their inheritance, as he promised them.”

I love the foreshadowing here of the follower of Christ here. We know that we are kings and priests in following him. We have calls of both service and leadership. Each of these roles that we must hold are well explained throughout the word, and probably best exemplified by the first priestly king, king David.

In this particular passage, we are seeing all of the land which Moses allocated to each tribe. In that list, one tribe, the tribe of Levi, is not allocated any — for their inheritance is to minister unto God. Looking at this from our earthly mindset, we may see this a lesser gift. “Other tribes get land, and the Levites just have to serve?” However, in reading through the original decree by Moses as well as this Chapter in Joshua, you can see that this was considered the superior inheritance.

Think about it…

God gave the Levites an eternal inheritance over a limited one. One that exists in the farther reaching spiritual realm rather than limited to a physical one. An inheritance that no man good take or destroy. One that will exist long after this earth does.

The joy and love experienced in ministering to God is greater than anything else a possession here could give you. The excitement in living with Christ, being filled with his Holy Spirit, and experiencing his presence is unlike anything in the entire world. It is worth pursuing. Like Jesus’ parable — it is a pearl worth selling everything you have for. There is not a possession worth more.

If we don’t yet see or feel that the presence of God is paramount, it is because we have not yet truly experienced that moment when you realize the God of the entire universe knows you, your name, your specific issue, and is paying attention. That He is sitting with you, empowering you, and excited about you. That He prizes you. What man or woman would not offer up for the most loving of fathers?

David, or example in priestly living said it best, “One thing have I desired, and that will I seek after, to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.” After the cross, Christ lives in us, not in a temple. To experience his presence on a daily basis is what David was striving for.

It is our inheritance, to minister in worship and service to the King of Kings!


Look at your value system. What do you prize over God’s presence? We all struggle with “things” of some sort. For some it is clothes, for others houses, and others gadgets. However, not having a pursuit of God as your number one “possession” means that your understanding isn’t fully correct. That is alright!

Ask God for a better understanding of his presence and the joy and fulfillment is serving him. When he answers, all possessions and physical attachment will wash away as you experience the boundless, reckless love of the father.

Let’s Meet!!

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Today’s inspiration was pulled from



Josh Schultz
Daily Devotional

Talk about SMB Ops, Systems Approach, Nocode & Automation. Built & Sold 3 Traditional Businesses.