We Are All Stewards

November 8th

Josh Schultz
Daily Devotional
2 min readNov 8, 2017


“Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.”

There seems to this be quest in the current generation to find their purpose and their passion. Dozens of best sellers line the bookshelves, and post after post covers social media.

I believe that the answer to the questions that internally plague us come in multiple layers and expanding influences. In Genesis we can see the first and highest call on all of humanity:

To steward all living and non-living things

The initial call that all of us have to understand is one of stewardship. This is highlighted over and over through God’s word, even from Jesus’ own parable concerning the talents. It was the man who best stewarded and grew his treasure that was given more. The man who did not use and steward what he was given, had all of his resources taken away.

In pursuit of what we want, we often disregard this initial call. As we seek larger homes, increased convienence, bigger cars, more travel, we can inadvertently mis-manage and ignore negative consequences in things like

  • the environment
  • our relationships
  • our money
  • our time


Take a look at the world around you and consider the resources you have. How are you managing them?

  • Are you stewarding the earth and environment through your living and purchasing habits?
  • How you managing your time well?
  • Is your money used to build and serve, or only for yourself?
  • How are you stewarding your relationship in the community, business, with friends and with your family?

Find one area that is currently completely escaping your consideration, and work on being aware and better stewarding in that area.

Let’s Meet!!

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Today’s inspiration was pulled from



Josh Schultz
Daily Devotional

Talk about SMB Ops, Systems Approach, Nocode & Automation. Built & Sold 3 Traditional Businesses.