February 15, 2018

Daily Emails
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2018


I overslept this morning somehow so I am going to keep this email short.

Here are the list of 100% Prize winners:

ahartmann, ailenepm, allieoc, amh2925, angie021803, beingthewriter, benmarvin, bpshelton, brookeisadiva, carterhr12, catcrown21, cbb002, cherylchervitz, cmclaugh13, dlehnert, drishitmitra, ebaker1115, ekimgram, emdur2, honeysuckle1, igorj00, itachitheweasel, jdarling13, jdev95, jpicard, jreeve714, kaufman, kcwhite, kmwagner8, kuri, lacezilla, mdmotu, metalexplorer38, mojoyha, mrchinchilla, mtm5891, nikkismom, oj93, otacon120, pcarn, pleachy, prayformojo, radhaz75, ratticus, sankeypoo, sarahgillette, seanfarrell, silentrapture, squishface, steevc, sq4792, srg84, syndicateclu, themormonbishop, theserb88, wonderwop

The 100% Prize pool was 4.5 SBD. We had 56 100% Prize winners meaning each of you will get 0.08 SBD. I will send this out this afternoon.

All the best,



Yesterday’s Question: Do you prefer hugs or kisses?

Comment: “Tough one because you rarely have kisses without hugs. Hugs without kisses happen, so overall, it would seem hugs outnumber kisses…” by chileheadd who answered “Hugs”.

See the results and comments here: https://steemit.com/crowdini/@crowdini/question-2018-02-14

Here are the users who received the 401 error yesterday. Your votes/comments did not auto post to Steemit. Reminder this issue is now fixed but if you are listed below you will still need to relink your Steemit account at https://crowdini.com/users/edit:

@ahmadmanga, @ailenepm, @ajaxalot, @djkrypto, @ilaena, @mkrvx0, @squishface, @synpopsis


NOTE: Comments are published immediately but votes are not published until the post is 30 minutes old. If you don’t see your vote after 30 minutes, wait a minute, refresh the page and check again.

Make sure you check to see that your vote was counted. You can tell if your vote counted by seeing the circle with the up arrow to the left of the post earnings is green. You can also go to https://steemd.com/@crowdini (replace crowdini with your steemit username) and look at the right column for your vote.

You can always manually upvote at any time.

If your vote was not counted, fill out this form and we will figure out why ASAP.



Game Length: February 12–25, 2018

Prize Pool: 20 SBD

Points: Percentage System (see How To)

Referrals: 5 points for each of the referrer and referred players. Max 25 points (see How To for what is needed to get a referral)

Bonus: 100 points. If a question is labeled Bonus the players who choose the answer that actually happens will earn an extra 100 points.

Prizes: (All prizes paid in STEEM)

  • First Prize — 50% of the prize pool
  • Second Prize — 25% of the prize pool
  • Third Prize — 15% of the prize pool
  • 100% Prize — 10% of the prize pool split between:
  • All players who voted in every question in the game and upvoted all results posts on Steemit for the game within the first 24 hours of the post publishing.
  • If this is your first game you will be eligible if you vote in every question from the day you sign up to the end of the game and have upvoted all the results posts on Steemitstarting from the day you joined.
  • First, Second and Third place winners are not eligible


Yesterday’s Question: Do you prefer hugs or kisses?

Majority Answer: Hugs



Daily Emails

Master the Wisdom of the Crowd. A Q&A game. Answer 1 Q a day and see how it compares to the majority. 2 ways to win. Run on the Steemit blockchain.