
Lumen Larson
Daily Fiction Writing Prompts
2 min readJul 7, 2023

You have astonishingly bad luck and the day you’re scheduled to get your braces removed, the apocalypse strikes.

Amy didn’t have good luck with orthodontia. She broke her permanent retainer two days after being told she could eat “whatever she wanted” binging on caramel corn. Her mom managed to break the expander key while tightening it. And she’s been stabbed more time than she can count by broken braces wires.

So one day, the beginning of winter break no less Amy was scheduled to finally get her braces off.

When she woke up her digital clock was off. She checked the cord but it was still plugged in Power must have gone out last night. She flipped on the lights and nothing. She went down the the circuit breaker and it was tripped but resetting it did nothing. Definitely an outage.

Still she wasn’t all that concerned outages were common enough in her neck of woods. Her family had a generator and gas heating. All her electronics were charged and she kept a large battery bank for things like this.

When she checked her phone she saw a voicemail, from her orthodontist.

“due to inclement weather perdicted tomorrow all appointments will be postponed”

Amy looked outside, it was only snowing lightly. Bunch of cowards who wanted a day off work I say. Yet when she went out the front door to take the dog out she stepped on two solid inches of ice.

One should know that in the midwest, two inches of snow is nothing but two inches of ice on the ground is very bad. One should also know that ice with freshly fallen snow immediately sent Amy crashing to the ground.

Dazed Amy looked up. Trees were downed everywhere. She was oddly grateful they had to cut down trees earlier this year because otherwise they likely would have fallen down in a much less controlled fashion.

Didn’t the weather channel predict an inch of rain and some sleet?

She checked her phone. No cell. satellite was out too. Even the old radio only her dad used was turning up nothing but static. Isn’t the whole point of radio that theres always news on the radio?

Amy looked longingly at her caramel corn. Something told her she wouldn’t get a chance to eat it for quite some time.



Lumen Larson
Daily Fiction Writing Prompts

Weird kind-of-adult, trying to navigate the world. Self reflection and fiction/fantasy stories abound.