College Essay

Lumen Larson
Daily Fiction Writing Prompts
1 min readJul 1, 2023

Write a college essay from the perspective of a time traveler

I love learning and I always have. I’ve always preferred to go straight to the source however. School has been invaluable for providing overview and background for what places and times I should visit next.

I’ve listened to lectures from Socrates, Einstein, and Hawking, yet the modern era has always been my home. Despite such amazing opportunities I’ve always preferred studying history to modern events.

Many of my most transformative experiences have happened right here in the 21st century which is why I am applying to your university. I want to be fully immersed in the culture of this locality in this era with exposure to the modern cultures of such a diverse student body. I want to experience modernity first hand as my peers do, rather than in retrospect as my colleagues.

I know there are many things I do not know, and I know there are many disciplines I have yet to master. Yet I hope that with 4 years studying, immersed in your culture I may develop some mastery over daily living in the early 21st century.



Lumen Larson
Daily Fiction Writing Prompts

Weird kind-of-adult, trying to navigate the world. Self reflection and fiction/fantasy stories abound.