3 best reading links for the week ending Mar 08, 2020–42opinionz


This one is an older one but these links are timeless…

I kind of started enjoying this little ritual of keeping a list of favorite links for the week — be it reading, music or listening to spoken words. Maybe one day I’ll get to video too.

You might have noticed that my week is now not ending on Sat or Sun but it’s running from Thu to Wed but that should not bother anyone. It’s just easier for me to write things mid-week because by mid-week there’s usually a pretty good collection of news and ideas.

Let’s do it! Here is the collection from the Easter week:

#1 Take your mind of the work and the news
Something to ease anxiety and get you out of your “productivity zone” can certainly be drawing, right! How about using your iPad to learn a bit of drawing in free classes with world-famous illustrators?


#2 Exceptional resource with information around wearing/not-wearing masks in public
This one article brings you all you may want to know about wearing masks and why it might be a good thing. It brings argument and links to many resources so it’s ultimately up to you to decide. I hope you too may come around this “brilliant” idea known in Asia for decades.


#3 One US banking legend’s Letter to shareholders
This is Jamie Diamond’s (JPMorgan Chase CEO) Letter to shareholders which came out after Covid-19 pandemic started. Even if you’re not into these CEO letters, you might want to read this one since it’s the first one from within Covid-19 crisis and since JPM Chase is global monster, I believe it is very relevant for everyone.


I’m pretty sure you will enjoy this week’s links. Find a bit of time and enjoy!

As always, I’m looking for any comments and suggestions on good reads at twitter @42opinionz.

Originally published at https://42opinionz.com on April 8, 2020.



Petr Palan (NewFounderCoach)
Daily Stories by @42opinionz

Embracing the change. In love with not-so-obvious; I like to support new ideas, techie founders, and occasionally also innovative corporations!