5 Questions to Find the Perfect Industry For You to Start a Business After You Quit Your Job

“I’m stuck in a job I hate but don’t know what business to start” — sounds familiar?

Are you feeling stuck and unhappy in your current job but unsure what type of business you should start instead? It’s frustrating to know you want out but lack clarity or ideas on where your passion lies.

My simple 5-question quiz can reveal the optimum business is just right for you in minutes. Let’s uncover what you’re meant to do!

The Quiz to Next Life:

  1. When you daydream about starting a business, what excites you most?
  2. A. Being your own boss
  3. B. Making a positive difference
  4. C. Creating innovative products
  5. D. Earning significant income
  6. What activities energize you and make you lose track of time?
  7. A. Problem solving or strategic thinking
  8. B. Helping people or teaching
  9. C. Building, designing or coding
  10. D. Closing sales or negotiating deals
  11. What are your main hobbies outside of work?
  12. A. Chess, puzzles, reading
  13. B. Volunteering, exercise, cooking
  14. C. Arts, photography, DIY projects
  15. D. Investing, deal finding, networking
  16. What topics could you talk about for hours effortlessly?
  17. A. New technologies, social issues, self-improvement
  18. B. Relationships, health, personal growth
  19. C. Creativity, design, building new things
  20. D. Business, entrepreneurship, making money
  21. When people come to you for advice it’s usually about:
  22. A. Strategy, troubleshooting or process optimization
  23. B. Relationships, life purpose or motivation
  24. C. Creative projects or technical/design problems
  25. D. Money, business ideas or career

Before I jump into results, let’s reflect a little; I bet you probably felt a bit of excitement when you did the quiz, right? That’s because these questions are so obvious that they seem too easy. And because it’s supposed to be hard — “this figuring out stuff is hard work,” they say — we never really ask them.

And let me tell you a secret: simple questions are the best for self-reflection and generally for figuring stuff out. So keep it simple as much as you can!

Ok, ok, let’s see those results now because you want to hear the right answers!

Here are the magical results:

If you answered mostly A’s, then a consulting or tech-focused business is likely right for you.

If you answered mostly B’s, then a coaching, counseling, or education-based business will align with your passions.

If you answered mostly C’s, then a product development, craft, or creative business is probably a great fit.

If you answered mostly D’s, then a sales, investing, or finance-oriented business is likely perfect for you.

As you see there are no right or wrong answers. There are only honest answers that let you reflect on your own strengths.

Your potential next steps:

Don’t let this reflection and newly found clarity on your ideal business category go to waste. Act on it now while you’re feeling excited and motivated.

Just jot down a few ideas that flashed through your mind during the quiz and book the time in your calendar for tomorrow to start validating specific ideas.

If you want a quick way to validate multiple ideas feel free to get my FREE New Idea Evaluation Matrix to help you find a winning business concept.



Petr Palan (NewFounderCoach)
Daily Stories by @42opinionz

Embracing the change. In love with not-so-obvious; I like to support new ideas, techie founders, and occasionally also innovative corporations!