
January 12th; in “Daily moments of 2017"

Today’s learning is actually not a learning but rather an observation; don’t know if that happens to guy too?

  • When I face new problem I get all excited to start working on it. Even if I know very little about it. It’s even better
  • But then I’m working on the thing and I get all uneasy and unsettled because I can’t really see the end of it (especially early on)
  • When taking a pause and thinking about it, I can see I’m making some progress and it helps for a moment but just coming back to the problem will bring back that unsettled feeling of “nowhere near the end”

I guess I should start journaling and everyone here keeps saying :)



Petr Palan (NewFounderCoach)
Daily Stories by @42opinionz

Embracing the change. In love with not-so-obvious; I like to support new ideas, techie founders, and occasionally also innovative corporations!