
Naming, naming, naming & branding …this always seems to most people like the most exciting part of building a company and it’s not!

By now, I did it over 20x times and it’s getting more and more stressful 🧐 It used to be enough to have a unique name in your street or your city. Now you need a global name (talking tech startups here) which ideally sounds cool, makes sense and does not offend anyone in any language and on top of it all domains and social media accounts must be free…uff

I’m so happy a friend of mine recommended service which can help with it all: pickydomains.com

They can generate names for you which are already cross-checked for domains and social media availability. I’m not using anything else from now on!

(no affiliate links here, just happy with the service)

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Petr Palan (NewFounderCoach)
Daily Stories by @42opinionz

Embracing the change. In love with not-so-obvious; I like to support new ideas, techie founders, and occasionally also innovative corporations!