The Power of Asking for Help 🌟

Unlocking Your Superpowers as a Founder and Leader 🌟

Petr Palan (NewFounderCoach)
Daily Stories by @42opinionz
2 min readSep 5, 2023


As a founder and leader, one of the most counterintuitive yet transformative skills you can cultivate is the ability to ask for help. It’s a skill that can elevate your business, improve your product, sharpen your ideas, and ultimately contribute to your success.

Let’s face it: Our initial ideas, no matter how brilliant we believe them to be, can benefit immensely from the critique, experience, and perspectives of others. The truth is, we don’t have all the answers, nor all the right answers, especially when we’re venturing into new territory.

Saying “I don’t know”

Recognizing this and embracing the vulnerability of saying, “I don’t know,” is one of the superpowers of successful founders and company leaders.

I’ll be honest, I struggled with this myself. However, through experience, I discovered that asking for help allows me to learn faster, makes me more relatable, and opens doors to invaluable insights from others.

Contrary to what you may think, people are generally very happy to help. I found especially the smartest and most successful people to be the most willing to help.

In this regard, coaching can be a game-changer. It creates a safe space to seek guidance and opinions, helping you to build the muscle of asking for help and letting you transition into real-world scenarios with newfound confidence.

Learn it or Die

You might be starting alone but as you build your product, your team, your customer base, and your partnerships, you’ll realize that asking for help becomes a necessity and a second nature if you want to really succeed.

You’ll have to tap into the expertise of your colleagues, leveraging their diverse perspectives to refine your ideas and strategies. As your business expands, you’ll be expected to seek guidance from your board and investors.

Don’t wait for the “perfect” moment to start asking for help. Embrace it now. Be fearless in seeking advice on topics that challenge you or that you’re unfamiliar with. Remember, the greatest minds in history achieved greatness not by standing alone but by seeking advice and often also embracing collaboration with others.

What Can I Help You With?

So fellow aspiring leaders and founders, let’s start unlocking this superpower. Let’s embrace the art of asking for help and let’s increase the chances to succeed faster with collective wisdom.

Let me know in the comments or on X (previously Twitter) @NewFounderCoach what can I help you with?

Every journey starts with a first step, so let’s consider this question a first step to mastery ;)



Petr Palan (NewFounderCoach)
Daily Stories by @42opinionz

Embracing the change. In love with not-so-obvious; I like to support new ideas, techie founders, and occasionally also innovative corporations!