
Why so many startups die?!

I get this question almost every week from to-be founders. They mean it well, trying to learn from mistakes, but it’s harder than it sounds. Doing good business is kind of like a fashion, what worked well a year ago might be completely foolish today.

So in short, I don’t really know. It seems, from what I see around and from my own mistakes, that startups die mostly because they’re too slow to execute and because their founders don’t persist. The opposite problem, that people toil on dead-thing is actually very rare!

This assumes that people start with a good idea and understanding of their market in the first place. Not that they don’t know what they’re doing and just want to do a startup…(more common than you think) 🤔

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Petr Palan (NewFounderCoach)
Daily Stories by @42opinionz

Embracing the change. In love with not-so-obvious; I like to support new ideas, techie founders, and occasionally also innovative corporations!