Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 3, Verses 1–2 — 15/Dec/2019

Pradeep Kaushik
Gita made simple
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2019


The 3rd discourse of the Bhagavad Gita is entitled “Karma Yoga”. We concluded discourse 2 which dealt with “Samkhya Yoga” where we learnt the way to attain moksha is through the path of knowledge and to be of steady mind keeping one’s senses under control so as to be able to attain the realisation of the Self. Basically, this path teaches one can attain moksha through renunciation or self-control.

Arjuna, is now confused as to why the Lord is asking him to take the path of Karma by taking up his weapon and fight this war but in his teachings it is clear the path to attain moksha is through renunciation of everything and dedicating oneself to the Self or the supreme reality. Thus, starts the chapter with Arjuna asking “Which is better, Knowledge or Action?” to Sri Krishna.

Chapter 3— Verse 1

arjuna uvaacha —

jyaayasi chetkarmanaste mathaa buddhirjanaardana

tatkim karmani ghore maam niyojayasi keshava


Arjuna said:

If you believe that, knowledge is superior to action, O Janardhana, why are you then directing me to this terrible action?

Chapter 3 — Verse 2

vyaamishreneva vaakyena mohayaseeva me

tadekam vada nishchitya yena shreyohamaapnuyaam


With an apparently confusing speech, you have confused my understanding. Tell me with certainty what is the one way by which I may attain bliss (moksha).

Arjuna, is humbled and is speaking directly to the Lord, indicating that the Lord would not deliberately confuse him. But, him, being of dull mind is of confused mind now because of the apparently confusing speech from the Lord.

If you believe, knowledge and action are intended for two distinct kind of people, then teach me one way of the two, knowledge or action, after considering it yourself as to what is best for Arjuna, which I can follow to attain bliss.

Arjuna is truly confused as to which path he has to follow. He wants to do the right thing on the battlefield and also be able to do the right thing in his life to attain moksha. But, seeing the Lord is asking Arjuna to follow the way of action but spoke how much good the path of Knowledge is to attain moksha, Arjuna is seeking clarity on which one path is best suited for him to follow and thus attain moksha.



Pradeep Kaushik
Gita made simple

Storyteller | Technologist | Personal Finance Enthusiast.