Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 2, Verse 63–07/Nov/2019

Pradeep Kaushik
Gita made simple
Published in
1 min readNov 7, 2019

Chapter 2 — Verse 63

krodyaadbavati sammohaha sammohaatsmrutivibhramaha

smrutibhramshaadbuddhinaasho buddhinaashaatpranashayati


From wrath arises delusion. From delusion failure of memory. From failure of memory loss of conscience and from loss of conscience the person is utterly ruined.

If a person is very much attached to an object or infatuated with it he is prone to desire which leads to wrath. This wrath when it goes to heights can lead to the person losing a sense to discriminate between right and wrong. In this infatuated state with an object of desire, the person is prone to not even think twice before insulting even his guru. At heights, this leads to failure of memory. Even though that person may be brought up well with good intentions and samskaara at this moment in time, they can forget everything and even forget the teachings of their parents or teachers. This state where memory fails leads to loss of conscience or buddhi when their antahakarana will not even be able to discriminate between right and wrong. This leads to a person’s ruin. Clinging or getting attached to objects or succumbing to senses is what leads a person to ruin is what this passage is trying to tell us. Keeping our senses in check or control can help us to go into the path of Dharma and attain moksha.



Pradeep Kaushik
Gita made simple

Storyteller | Technologist | Personal Finance Enthusiast.