
Something is happening

Alex Beckett
Daily Grapefruit
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2015


What is going on with this 100 Day Project? I’m not supposed to be a children’s storyteller. OR AM I? In the last 30 days, something has gone seriously skewiff with my “brand”. (Oh yes, because every writer should have a brand.)

Today I recorded some audio for a short animation I’ve been working on. Guess what? It’s a children’s story (kind of).

A few weeks ago, Todd Hannula suggested I might be able to adapt another story of mine into a children’s book. Sounds exciting. I may just do that.

And today, a friend contacted me about doing some illustrations for … guess what? A children’s book. What the what the? I’m not an illustrator. BUT DOES IT INVOLVE MONEY??! OK THEN!!

Something else is happening

In a former life I was a baby clarinettist. I decided to record a teeny tiny bit of instrument audio for my animation-in-progress. To my great surprise, when I played a few notes (for the first time in eight years), it didn’t suck too badly. Air didn’t explode out the sides of my mouth and clarence the clarinet didn’t crack and crumble in my hands (I had a dream that he did). Maybe we can still be friends.

What does it all mean?

I have no idea, but this 100 Day Project is doing good things. Very good things. (Bad things are happening that are unconnected to the 100 Day Project. But I’m ignoring those because, well, sometimes you just have to ignore shit).

Sadly, next week I need to focus on non-100 Day Project things (dog walkings and applications for short-term consultancy gigs that have nothing to do with children’s stories, but that help pay the rent). Even though I’ll be busy and a little distracted, I’m determined to see this 100 Day Project out to the very end. It just means I might have a bit less time to cut up the grapefruits — or I might serve you only a quarter of a grapefruit on some days. Sorry about that. Niya Marie, if you’re there, I still need to finish your story.



Alex Beckett
Daily Grapefruit

Lover of stripy socks. Unashamed soy drinker. Sunday cyclist.