With Apologies to Lewis Carroll

Alex Beckett
Daily Grapefruit
1 min readAug 8, 2015


The sun was sinking below the sea
Sinking beneath our sight.
She did her very best to paint
The sky with orange light —
And this was odd, because it was
Near midday, though not quite.

And I was prepping hastily,
For cocktail hour — what fun!
Tonight would be a masked affair
Costumes for every one —
It quite improves my face, I think,
When all is said and done.

I hoped to look my best, you see
I really had to try.
I even wore a dress. Alas,
I had no suit and tie.
No mask was laid out on my bed —
For there were none to buy.

Author’s note: I’ve been writing for about an hour and it’s all good fun but sleep is good too. (P.S. I’ve cheated and added some minor edits). This is Day 23 of the 100 Day Project.



Alex Beckett
Daily Grapefruit

Lover of stripy socks. Unashamed soy drinker. Sunday cyclist.