3 Things to Remember about Myself

Daily Gratitude Journal
3 min readSep 23, 2020


Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

I am worthy.

I am assisted in my success.

I am far bigger than I think.

Everyday, I wake up refreshed and energized from spiritual recharge through my dreams. The moment I open my eyes, I am reminded by my spirit team I am worthy, and I am loved. I have learned to relinquish and receive. And I gave my spirit team the full permission to send all the blessings and affection I need to live yet another best day of my life. I feel the positive energy raising my vibration. They remind me I am a divine being having a temporary human experience. And therefore, I have all the potential I need to awaken the dormant power in me. I am the embodiment of love, success, and worth.

I receive confirmations that I am assisted in my success through every means possible. Whatever I do, I know I can be fearless, for I am supported and protected by the mightiest spirit team in the astral realm. Almighty spirit team is always working behind-the-scenes, giving me hints and guides to how I can go about challenges in my life. The sense of security gives me courage that even if I fall, I will resurrect. Which ignites my passion to give all my best in whatever I do.

My spirits like to surprise me by unlocking my superpowers at the most unexpected times. They show me through my own actions that I am way bigger than I can ever imagine. Sometimes, they channel ancient wisdoms and mystical powers using my intuition, signs, and feelings. I give kudos to my spirit team for resolving the biggest challenges in my life. Without them, I wouldn’t have been a complete being.

In those moments of receiving spiritual messages, I understand that I am far greater than my physical body. My body is not only connected in the mind and physical, but also with my soul and spirit. I honor the union of different bodies as I let myself travel through dimensions while still in 3D. I accept that I am a vessel channelling light messages from my spirit guides in 5D. This realization makes me cherish my body even more, because I am not the only one using this body to make miracles happen.

Everyday, I feel thrilled to find out greater use of myself. My self-worth continues to accumulate, leading me to discover new potentials and power within me. I can tangibly feel my soul growing bigger than my physical body. I expand my consciousness and spirituality to bring in more spirits in myself. The more light I illuminate, the mightier I get. The mightier I get, the greater things I can achieve. I thank every single day being presented to me as a gift.

I am infinitely grateful to be on this planet earth to challenge, to experience, and to love myself than I had ever imagined. I am happy for another day to be alive.

Infinite Blessings,

Daily Gratitude Journal #11

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