How to Find More Gratitude in the Pandemic

Daily Gratitude Journal
3 min readOct 5, 2020

If today was the last day on earth, what would you do?

There is no surprise how the corona virus has drastically changed the world. Little did people know how easily the world economy could collapse, and how immediately people’s lifestyles could change. While it’s understandable why people can’t find any lingering hopes about the future, as always, there are people turning crisis into opportunities. Whether this was a plandemic or not, depression has historically created more millionaires than ever before. Moreover, the pandemic has triggered spiritual awakening in many people reflecting on the reality they have been blindly living in.

As for me, 2020 was tumultuous to say the least. The first quarter of the year was all about physical changes in the 3D. Old relationships that no longer served me fell apart, circumstances led me to relocate to a new place, and even my corporal appearance went through drastic changes. Spiritually, I had my first kundalini awakening instantly aligning my soul with my spirits. I was triggered and awakened after my separation with my twin flame (I mean, even Norah Jones wrote an anthem for twin flames during this period). After months of walking through the dark night of the soul, by the third quarter, I was a completely different person equipped with spiritual protections and blessings. And I must admit, I didn’t particularly identify myself as a spiritual person before all of this madness occurred.

That doesn’t mean the challenging times magically disappeared. Even President Trump was tested positive after the first presidential debate. The economy is still suffering with the highest unemployment rate in years. Big corporate companies such as travel industry are directly hit by the pandemic, causing many of them to go bankrupt. Not to mention, over a million people who lost their lives to the deadly virus and left those behind in grief. Some even turned to biblical scriptures saying all the prophecies are coming into fruition. But I am not here to argue what is real and what is not. In times of difficulties, I believe it is better to have faith in something than nothing, as Pascal’s wager stated.

So what was the point of doing anything if the world was the verge of collapse, anyway? What was the reality that I hustled for and built? And these qualms were not coming from a pessimistic perspective. Rather, the hiatus got my philosopher’s hat back at the possibility of different world I could be living in. Suddenly, I didn’t have to explain myself to be accepted or understood, since everyone was panicking anyway. Suddenly, I wasn’t tethered to my 3D existence anymore after directly receiving messages from the spirit guides.

Knowing that everyone is equally going through difficult times made me appreciative of the relative stability and security I was provided with. While the government was counting numbers of casualties on news, I had time to go deeper within myself and ask questions to the spirit team. Everyday was a miracle in itself that I wasn’t dying of the infectious disease or famish steamed from financial instability. Instead of being pushed to move forward and forward only, I was left in peace in my solitude in the astral realms. This was the moment of epiphany where the most mundane things turned into nostalgic moments to be remembered. And if today was truly my last day on earth, I wanted to make it at least not regretful to have lived.

When things became undeniably bleak, I learned how to spot the tiniest light in the darkness. Just like Anna from Frozen, only after complete surrendering I was shown the next right step —gratitude. Paradoxically, I have never felt more confident and grounded in myself. So when there is nothing else left to do, please remember to find gratitude within, even in the silliest things in life.

Infinite Blessings,

Daily Gratitude Journal #14

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